[Passed] Confirmation of Just a Lore as Election Commissioner

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
The Delegate:
I note the expiration of @Rewan Demontay 's term tomorrow on 10/14/22, and appoint @Just a Lore to a term as Election Commissioner.

@Just a Lore has been appointed to serve as an Election Commissioner by Delegate @Pallaith. I now open the floor for debate and discussion on the nominations. I would welcome a statement in support of the nomination from @Pallaith.

Should the appointment go to a vote, I intend to put the following motion before the Regional Assembly:
The Regional Assembly, acting on the nomination of the delegate, appoints Just a Lore to the Election Commission.
Would like to enquire on the nominee's history with regards to EC (like any previous EC terms), as well as the nominee's opinion (if any) of current election law in our region
Lore has served in various roles in this community, including a prior stint as a member of the electoral commission. He has a knack for roles involving checking a set of rules, and a mind for interpreting unclear matters. I am confident he can serve capably in this role, and maybe this time he'll actually get to supervise an election!
Would like to enquire on the nominee's history with regards to EC (like any previous EC terms), as well as the nominee's opinion (if any) of current election law in our region
I have had one previous term on the EC durring Fiji's term in 2019 (https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/9190673/). In regards to the second, I believe that very much dove tails into my long standing policy when I run for Justice. It is not the job of the position to have an opinion on election law, it is the job to follow them. I believe the election commission is ultimately a position of trust and if you believe that I will follow the laws of the region to best of my ability in the position.
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Lore has a proven track record in areas where attention to detail and knowledge of existing rules and guidelines are key - both in TNP government roles on the court and in the EC, and as the long standing cartographer of the Eras Roleplay Map. They'll be an excellent addition to the EC.
Seeing as there are no objections or outstanding questions, and with the November Judicial Election approaching, I motion for a vote.