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Commend Tim-Opolis
Category: Commendation | Target: Tim-Opolis
Proposed by: Quebecshire, Co-authored by: Minskiev and Zukchiva | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Believing that the nation of Tim-Opolis (Tim) and their numerous proxy states have contributed to the multiverse in a myriad of positive ways, namely in the development of communities and the protection of others from invasion,
Aware that Tim controls the founding nation of Spiritus, and has served Spiritus in a plethora of ways since its founding in 2012, most notably by:
- Spearheading industrious recruitment efforts which allowed Spiritus to grow to a population of over 700 nations by 2013, a universally enviable milestone only achievable through intense commitment,
- Serving as President and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the region's early days, laying the groundwork for its defender alignment and community which has persisted and thrived long after the peak of Tim's day-to-day involvement as Founder,
- Contributing to the development of the region's defender military, the Spiritus Defense Force, by providing early leadership that allowed it to attain heightened levels of activity and enlistment,
Warmed by the radioactive proficiency of the Potato Alliance, founded by Spiritus, led in-part by Tim. Since its initial founding, the Potato Alliance has grown to be a multi-lateral faction of impressive scale, partially as a result of Tim’s strategy and dedication. Multiple times, the alliance recovered from near-annihilation to global successes (notably in the fifth and seventh nuclear apocalypses), becoming a consistent icon during nuclear conflict,
Awed by the significance of Tim’s refounding of Greece, an operation during which a proxy of Tim successfully secured and restored the region, later returning it to native possession. This operation saved Greece from the control of Yauna, a nation condemned by this very Council that had subjugated the region prior,
Recognizing Tim’s extensive defender history since choosing to join the cause, where they were an esteemed leader in the United Defenders League. While in the UDL, they served as a Lieutenant and was skilled at timing military movements, notably in the liberations of Roman Empire and The Middle East in 2012,
Admiring the continued service of Tim to defenderdom through The Order of the Grey Wardens (TGW), where they continued to work towards its full potential as a defender leader. As a driving force in the organization’s earlier months, Tim worked to develop the organization’s early foreign policy aligning with fellow defender groups and regions, most notably in producing the Andruil Protocols with Spiritus (an agreement which is in-force to this day). After this, Tim continued to serve as a Warden-Commander for several years, during which they aided in the organization’s growth and led Wardens in over 297 deployments prior to becoming First Warden,
Honoring Tim’s tenure as First Warden from July 2020 until November 2021, wherein Tim tirelessly pursued and integrated new talent, leading to a net gain of 22 Wardens and thus reforming TGW into one of the most active militaries of the time. Under Tim’s leadership, TGW continually broke its own operation records, ultimately culminating with 42 Wardens participating in the November 2021 liberation of Trovons. Throughout its tenure, Tim tirelessly called fellow Wardens of all eras to battle, optimizing the organization’s turnout,
Astonished by Tim’s fervent dedication to defending through TGW, where from their induction to TGW through the end of their tenure as First Warden, they attended an incredible 510 deployments and 6191 total operations, taking an active role in leadership and participation that has continued since the conclusion of their time leading TGW,
Appreciating that many crucial Security Council resolutions that have been authored or co-authored by Tim or its proxies, such as:
- SC#74 “Condemn Lone Wolves United”, a resolution that censures a prolific raiding organization and provides a clear definition for the practice of “griefing”,
- SC#191 "Repeal: 'Condemn DEN'", which repealed the condemnation of a now-defunct raider organization, citing several historical inaccuracies such as misinformation regarding the 2012 occupation of Christmas,
- SC#203 “Liberate Eternal Scholars”, a liberation which freed the region from fascist occupiers that had sought to take the region as a trophy,
Indebted to Tim for their maintenance of the library for all Security Council resolutions for three years, an effort taken up by a select few nations dedicated to preserving the results of crucial international debates,
Believing with little doubt that the nation of Tim has been heavily skilled in the international crafts of both region development and military service,
Hereby commends Tim-Opolis.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
8 | 4 | 0 | 4 |
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