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- Freg#0420

Sex Worker Protections Act
Category: Regulation | Area of Effect: Labour Rights
Proposed by: Magecastle Embassy Building A5 | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The World Assembly,
Highlighting the unfair discrimination, sexual assault, and poor working conditions sex workers have long been subject to solely due to their field of employment, as well as the greater risk of sexually transmitted infections sex workers and clients thereof face,
Emphasising that prosecution of sex work is also unhelpful towards protecting sex workers, as it forces sex workers to work "underground" for fear of prosecution of themselves and/or loss of job, at the expense of their safety and welfare, while also perpetuating stigmatisation of the sex industry,
Identifying the efforts of "Universal STI Counteraction" as ultimately helpful to the protection of sex workers via access to STI testing and curative medications for STIs,
Convinced that further efforts are still needed, however, to specifically protect sex workers and ensure that sex work is safe for employees, consumers, and all others involved, as there are still no resolutions passed tailored to the sex industry,
Enacts the following, subject to relevant past World Assembly resolutions still in force _
- Sex work, in this resolution, refers to the performance of sexual acts in exchange for material compensation.
- The sex industry shall be a legal field of both employment and self-employment in member nations. To that end, no member nation may penalise or outlaw all participation in, provision of employment in, purchase of, or facilitation of sex work. Further, a member nation may only impose a restriction specific to the sex industry where it is the least restrictive available means to protect the welfare of buyers or sellers of sex work. No person may be discriminated against for participating in, providing employment in, purchasing, or otherwise facilitating sex work.
- All entities offering employment in sex work -- hereinafter "sex work institutions" -- are to offer gratis safe and effective preventive medical products -- including vaccination and barrier contraception -- to any of their sex workers who may be exposed to sexually-transmitted infections in their work in that institution. Member nations are to directly provide such products gratis to self-employed sex workers under their jurisdiction.
- Such products must be used in any sex work carrying risk of either pregnancy of, or transmission of sexually transmitted infections to, a client or the sex worker in question, so as to minimise risk of the same.
- Someone who tests positive for a sexually transmitted infection not treated to the point of non-transmissibility may not perform any sex work carrying the risk of transmission of that infection to a client.
- The act of coercing a person to provide sexual services or participate in sex work or sexual acts as part of the same, including as a sex worker or consumer of sex work, is hereby prohibited.
- No entity may employ in sex work, consume sex work from, or sell sex work to, a person without the mental capacity to consent to sexual acts.
- No person may be trafficked or otherwise moved by force with the intent of forcing that person to provide sexual services or otherwise violating Section 4.
- Each sex work institution is to clearly inform all its sex workers of their legal rights and duties in sex work, including those granted by this resolution. Each member nation is to directly inform all self-employed sex workers under its jurisdiction of the same.
- Sex workers, sex work clients, and other entities shall have the right to report violations of this resolution, and have them duly investigated, without obstruction or retaliation from any sex work institution, or member nation or entity therein. To that end, each member nation is to create an impartial means for privately reporting violations of this resolution, and, unless that report is clearly frivolous, promptly investigate each reported violation of this resolution reported through such means.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
6 | 11 | 2 | 1 |
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