[PASSED] Kastonvia's Security Council Application


Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle
The Security Council has nominated Kastonvia (Kastonvia) for a seat on the Security Council. The vote for this application was 10 ayes, 1 nay, and 0 abstentions with all members present.

The Chair now presents this application to the Regional Assembly for its consideration.

The Security Council's statement in support:
The Security Council:
Kasto recently completed a historic year of service as Vice Delegate. The SC has worked closely with him and we are confident he will fit right in as he already knows everything he needs to know to serve the region in this capacity. He has also given exemplary service in the executive and continues to do so, and would be another important connection between the SC and the gameside community. His humor and his positive energy are also a great addition to the team, and something we can always use more of. We feel he has more than earned our trust and that of the region, and would be happy to welcome him back.
I’ve heard an accusation that Kasto smells bad. Does the accused have anything to say in his defense?
I definitely for one think Kasto deserves to be on the security council, and his reason for smelling bad doesn't surprise me at all! Like @Comfed, I do want to know the reason behind the nay vote Sil, are you willing to explain?
I have no objections to Kasto for the Security Council and plan to vote in favor when brought to a formal vote.

I will not present any motions at this time so there may be more discussion.
@Kastonvia Why did you decide to apply for the security council?
I can’t find any reason to vote against you, you’re solid. Just a little curious!
This is essentially what I sent to Hulldom when he asked

Since I am no longer Vice Delegate, I want to use all the experience and insight I have gained over the past year to continue to help the Security Council and the Vice Delegate. In such tasks like discord redactions, citizenship apps, or any other issues that might arise. Just overall play an active part in building and helping promote the growth of the Security Council.
What was the reasoning/process behind your application (and later withdrawal of the application) earlier in the year when you were still Vice Delegate? What changed between then and now?
What was the reasoning/process behind your application (and later withdrawal of the application) earlier in the year when you were still Vice Delegate? What changed between then and now?
What changed is I am no longer the Vice Delegate.

Basically what Siwale said "The VD should NOT be managing their own application. This is a blatant conflict of interest. Additionally, the VD should have abstained from this entire discussion thread. They do not get special treatment just because they chose to apply for the SC while still serving as VD. This whole process needs to be redone and managed entirely by the next available member in the LoS. Let’s get this right please."

That was wrong on my part to apply during my term because I get to witness the entire discussion and process of the application unlike other applicants. So now, my application gets the exact same treatment as any other persons application would.

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I support Kasto joining the SC. I believe he would be a breath of fresh air and fit in with the council.
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I do not see any reason to delay voting any further; therefore, I move to vote on the nomination of Kastonvia for the Security Council.
As Kastonvia 's long time mentor and basically responsible for everything good he does (not the bad things tho), I support
Seeing a motion to vote and a second, this is now scheduled to go to vote at (time=1664226000) (your forum time).