Winter Kingdom
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
- TNP Nation
- Boston Castle
- Discord
- seathestarlesssky

Hello all,
It’s been too long since I briefed everyone on what my Ministry’s been doing, so I want to take this opportunity at the end of this term to do so, and to reflect on what the term has brought us.
Our biggest achievements, in my mind at least, have been the two big treaties that we’ve signed this term: the Pax Polaris Occidens and the Modern Gameplay Compact. These agreements have been truly historic, the former because of its significance in choice of partners (the NPO and the West have not historically had strong ties to the North), the latter due to its groundbreaking statement of policy, predicated on an update that is still on the far horizon.
Yet these achievements ought not to be taken for granted, even if our, my, months-long rapprochement with the West Pacific and the New Pacific Order has paid huge dividends. We definitely have worked with these regions more than some in the North would like. Though this work has fundamentally been in service of our collective goal to have the ability to pursue our own goals untethered to any dogmatic decisionmaking formula that is not purely self-imposed.
As has been harped on, the stakes have truly never been higher in this game for the North Pacific or for Independence. We stood up this term and issued, with our Delegate’s wise counsel, a series of mortal wounds to the enemies of interregional peace. Going forward, we shall finish them off. The Pax Polaris Occidens and Modern Gameplay Concept are steps in the direction of what we want to achieve: which is nothing shy of the eradication of the enemies of peace.
This term, we took concrete steps to ensure that is not just a viable option, but one that will be possible to actively pursue while adhering to our principles. And in that sense, we emphatically succeeded on the goal I set out at the start of the term for “...proactive discussions at the highest levels…”. I am delighted by the progress we have made on this front this term, and am incredibly excited to see where 4 more months of Ghost at the helm, and whoever happens to be at FA, will do to safeguard Independence for the generations to come.
I also had the good privilege to be associated with efforts to repeal and replace Commend Europeia this term, helping out a dear friend and ally with repealing and replacing a commend that no longer suited them or encapsulated the fullness of their community. That was not the extent of our work in the SC though. We also made steps to see further friends, allies, and denizens of the North commended via Heroes and via outreach.
Going forward, the Security Council will continue to be a focus of this office, I hope. Our work should encompass the aspect of authorship and sponsorship while also wholeheartedly and aggressively engaging in outreach and diplomacy as we have. I also expect, and will be actively working toward, on my own, further Heroes of Valhalla drafts. I will do this work in concert with the next set of Ministers of World Assembly Affairs here, in Europeia, and in Balder, and with foreign affairs officials should I not be reappointed to office.
Finally, I have been pleased by the level of attention we have been able to pay to our diplomats this term. I will say that I have been displeased with their attentiveness and their general apathy toward completing the very minimal tasks required of them. I hope that whoever has this office next term considers a new method of diplomatic exchange.
Overall though, even though this term has been exceptionally busy and exceptionally challenging, I am glad that we have come through it. And I have never been more hopeful for where this region may go next term and beyond.
Wishing you all the best,