Hulldom for Vice Delegate


Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle
Hulldom for Vice Delegate

Well, I’m betting most of you expected I’d run for elected office eventually. Maybe not right now, but certainly in the not too distant future. Upon attaining a successful admin check, which I thought might be a hindrance, and thinking it through, I thought “why not now?” Hence why I’m running, though I do have some ideas and thoughts about ways to ensure that this office attains (or reascends to) sustained, across-the-board excellence this upcoming term.

First though, some housekeeping:

Who are you anyway?

Thanks, Dali. :P

I’m Hulldom, I’ve been a citizen of the North Pacific since March and a resident for even longer than that. I’m the reason the eponymous Boston Amendment was named so. Among the many things I’ve done in the North Pacific, I’ve been Minister of Foreign Affairs since May and was Minister of World Assembly Affairs from mid-August 2021 to May 2022, along with serving in a plethora of other, smaller, but no less significant to our functioning, roles along the way.

I've also recently passed the admin check for those of you wondering.

Why are you actually running?

I’m running for a few reasons.
  1. I want to use this as a sort of learning opportunity regarding another aspect of our great region. FA and WA are more about “watching and observing” than most people would perhaps think at first. I’ve been able to hone those skills while thinking about the North’s external security, but have never been in a role tasked with keeping internal security. I want to change that.
  2. I want to continue to serve and help lead the community I call “home”. I’ve always been about leading through service when I can. That’s taken different forms for me over the years, but has often been more focused on helping my region on the exterior. More importantly here, I am taking this leap because I’d like to keep doing what I’m doing, lead where I can and serve as I am able.
  3. Perhaps most importantly, I think I have the talents to manage the role. I’ve already proven at least a modestly capable endotarter, tarting my way to roughly 920 endorsements (and thus nearly 340,000 SPDR as of writing) with daily or semi-daily tarting. I have no doubt that I can easily attain the high endorsement count needed to take, and keep, the second spot throughout this term if elected (and early as well!).

What do you plan to do anyways?

I have a four-fold plan for my role as Vice Delegate this term if elected:
  1. Return to weekly reports. Perhaps the biggest deficiency of both the Cretox and Kastonvia Vice Delegacies have been the infrequent and oddly spaced updates on endorsement levels, declassification progress, and VD progress on the citizenship process. I will strive to return to weekly reports, and failing that bi-weekly reports, to keep the citizenry of the North updated on the Vice Delegate’s efforts in safeguarding our region.
  2. Getting caught up on Declassification. Perhaps the biggest project currently facing the Vice Delegate is clearing the backlog of old threads that need to be brought up to current FoIA standards and then going through and releasing the new threads that have reached the one year mark. To be clear, I view the forumside threads as the priority in this, with Discord logs taking a back seat, but it is my goal to clear the forumside backlog and get as much of the Discord logs properly redacted and released this term as possible.
  3. Security Council Spotlights. This is definitely something that’s been done before, but it’s something I think ought to be done again. While “gameside engagement” has been a buzzword before, and Kasto has certainly done an excellent job in that regard, it goes beyond being a presence. For people to engage with you, yes, you need to post, but they need to know who you are because if our region is ever in a crisis, the mass of WAs on our RMV will need to be pointed toward someone they know. To that end, I will propose a regular series of spotlights highlighting each Security Council member, particularly highlighting our older members in the month of October as we near the 15th anniversary of the Emperor Matthuis coup.
  4. A Spooky Endorsement Event. It’s been a long while since our last endorsement event and it’s about time we–! … No, I will not incite a riot thanks to Frankenstein’s Monster. I will, however, work with the Security Council, the Delegate, and other necessary stakeholders to plan and put on an endorsement event this term around Halloween!

Some Other Potential Questions--Answered Before They're Asked

Will you accept a position in the Cabinet if offered?

I don’t know yet. That will genuinely depend on the Delegate’s decision at the end of the day.

How can I trust you’re not an alt or some couper in league with [insert region name here]!

I talk to plenty of foreign officials in my current job. I’m in regular contact with several regions and have made contact and had a conversation with every treaty ally, embassy partner, and forum embassy partner we have. I can promise that in no circumstance has the prospect of a coup ever come up, and if one had, I would have been sure to immediately report it. Additionally, I know I have enlightened the Regional Assembly in the past on my prior situation before I passed the admin check, now that that has been rectified, nothing has truly changed.

What if I have a question not answered in your platform?

I’m always open to questions! Be aware that I may be a bit slow to respond during the day due to my RL obligations, but I will answer as soon as I can, whether that be in this thread or via Discord DM (@QuatuorPlusOne#9419), TG, or forum PM. I am happy to talk with you about this or FA or any other matter!
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Do you think someone will ask an unoriginal "how are you gonna coup the region" question?
I won't comment on whether I think this plan is simple or even easy. We're actually quite lucky in the sense that currently, couping the North Pacific would be the hardest thing that any player would ever do in their career--our security system, in my mind, is that solid.

That being said, I think this is something everyone has to give some thought to as they climb the greasy pole of TNPolitics, because, as you point out, someone's going to ask the question.

My plan is really quite simple:
1. Sow dissent among the Security Councilors by turning them against each other. Not necessarily one against all, one against all, but rather, one against one. As an example, turning Ghost against Tlomz--making old friends into enemies.
2. I'd then work with my favored few to ensure that we were the government, meaning I'd need to have several of them be top in the LoS. Presumably, any would-be copper would either be Delegate or about to be. Those three in the LoS, who can have BC and were also Cabinet, would be primed to act.
3. The main element after here is having backups, the next three you're friendly with would have to also be ready to act. The move would then, if the plan works and the chaos, anger, and paranoia has set in properly, be to banject the enemies of the three Security Councilors who the top three have been primed to mistrust. They would be banjected in turn. The next three shuffle in and banject their targets. If all works out, you would probably only need to expend half your influence or thereabouts if you were in the top seat (which I'll assume you'd have to be).
4. And of course, I think it depends from there how far you want to go. Is couping the government all you want or do you want complete control? If the latter, complete power could be seized by subverting the admin team. However, that's a darker path than I think we need to contemplate here.
If you were to theoretically play a leading role in orchestrating an involuntary change in the organized civil administration of the region…
If you were to theoretically play a leading role in orchestrating an involuntary change in the organized civil administration of the region…
I don't know if it would be reasonable to speculate. After all, "leading role" may mean I'm not the mastermind. :P
How are you planning to work with the delegate during your role?
Great question! Ghost and I are already in constant contact (like seriously, it's odd if we go 24 hours without talking). I expect that will continue. We'll work together to make sure I maintain a good distance from the Delegate and we address any potential threats as they arise as well as working together on events. (Ghost definitely has experience in this regard!)

If it's not Ghost, and I acknowledge that's a possibility, then I'm still going to do things the way I outlined above. Though I do imagine we might be talking a bit less. (Bear in mind this was with me working a very sensitive, and I think important, job in the administration.)
What's your philosophy on the Vice Delegate's check? What do you think constitutes grounds for someone to fail a Vice Delegate's check? If the residential IP requirement were abolished, do you think the role of the Vice Delegate's check would be expanded? What's your opinion on some of our recent VD check rejections? (I won't mind too uch if you choose not to answer the last one.)
You are like a super fantastic MoFA as far I have seen and along many other things but I dont want to start listing things. If I had any doubts about you there are none anymore. You have my full total support.
What's your philosophy on the Vice Delegate's check? What do you think constitutes grounds for someone to fail a Vice Delegate's check? If the residential IP requirement were abolished, do you think the role of the Vice Delegate's check would be expanded? What's your opinion on some of our recent VD check rejections? (I won't mind too uch if you choose not to answer the last one.)
I really can't say I'm too familiar with the ones who've recently failed, so I don't want to comment on that.

My philosophy is that it should be our IC check, the person who makes sure that people who come into our region aren't known IC troublemakers (to use one famous example: Cormac). Which means that what would constitute grounds for failure is someone known for destabilizing other regions, particularly but not exclusively treaty allies, for fun or someone who has made it known that they would like to see the North Pacific's system of government overthrown.

As for the penultimate question about whether the check should be expanded, I would have to talk that over with other stakeholders in the process. Presumably so, because the proposed alternative I would favor would involve more of "a background check" type of model for the application, but whether my role would change beyond just ensuring someone isn't a known threat is more a question of what new model we chose to pursue.
You are like a super fantastic MoFA as far I have seen and along many other things but I dont want to start listing things. If I had any doubts about you there are none anymore. You have my full total support.
Thanks for the support! :)
I am sure that you'll be doing great as the Vice Delegate if elected. Good luck Hulldom and i would be supporting you this elections.
You can count on my support as well. Can't wait to see what you do if elected!
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Seeing as you are running to chair the Security Council, can you shed some light as to why you applied to join the Security Council and then withdrew earlier this term?
Seeing as you are running to chair the Security Council, can you shed some light as to why you applied to join the Security Council and then withdrew earlier this term?
Yeah absolutely. So I applied to join the Security Council sort of on a whim. I thought it might be a good time to do it, given my long tenure in government and what not. I withdrew that application because of things that were shared with me privately. Afraid I can't go into more detail than that (at least on the latter), but hopefully that's at least a slight window into my thinking.
Hi Hull! It's super refreshing to see your campaign and I'm really pleased to see it!

Knowing you, you are an extremely capable person so I'm confident you'll do very well as VD. All the best! :-)