Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
A number of you may have noticed that I've been absent for some time now. Real life has taken its toll on the about of time I've been able to spend on Ministry business and NationStates as a whole.
This has led to the performance of the Ministry suffering, which cannot continue. WA Affairs was my first home in TNP, and in my opinion is the coolest ministry, however, it is also one of the Ministries that requires the ability to commit to deadlines and to be able to keep up with the day-to-day goings on in the WA. It deserves a minister who is able to commit the required amount of time for it to function efficiently. Unfortunately, at this point in time that isn't me. It's with a heavy heart that I must announce my resignation as Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Hopefully, at some point in the future, I'll have the time available to serve in this role again.
I'd like to thank @Pallaith for the opportunity to serve the region as a member of his Cabinet. I'd also like to thank my Deputies for their support during my time as Minister and wish all of them, and all of you, the very best.
I'll still be around, just in a reduced capacity.
Best regards,
Minister of World Assembly Affairs
P.S. Thanks @Hulldom for all of you invaluable support and assistance as I acclimated to the modern Ministry, and for stepping up when I was unable to. Without your help, I would have been completely lost in those early days.
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