[GA - PASSED] Repeal: “National Economic Freedoms”

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TNP Nation

Repeal: “National Economic Freedoms”
Category: Repeal | Target: GA#68
Proposed by: Morover | Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #68 “National Economic Freedoms” (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The World Assembly,

Recognizing, at the time that Resolution 68 was drafted and passed, the World Assembly was still in its infancy, and there was a practical interest for it to grant member-states a certain level of autonomy in order to uphold the organization's legitimacy and stability,

Noting, however, that the test of time has not favored Resolution 68, and that the organizations and its delegates thereof have taken issue with several of its provisions, which include:

  1. The World Assembly no longer has practical reason to hinder its ability to legislate, and if its member-states deem it necessary to restrict, outlaw, or other regulate certain forms of commerce on an international scale, they should be able to do so;
  2. The exceptions to the general ban on World Assembly restrictions of commerce are too narrow, and an "enterprise caus[ing] an extreme hazard to national populations" is not the only valid circumstance that an international body should be making laws restricting commerce, and this exception would not allow the regulation of commerce for greater international interests, local interests, or even hazards to a national populace that do not rise to the level of 'extreme';
  3. The Impartial Mediation Foundation's purpose is extraordinarily vague, and without the clarification that it applies solely to issues of commerce, which is presumably its purpose, defining it to "investigate, mediate, and arbitrate" any conflicts that arise may very well make it the most sprawling of all World Assembly committees, given conflicts that arise in the forms of wars, embargos, disagreements on legislative texts, and countless other circumstances;
  4. The substantive requirements of member-states only apply to national governments, which is all but useless for many member states who do not have a strong unitary body, and instead have all of their power designated to regional entities;
  5. Given that the resolution mandates that "national governments compensate any... national governments for any physical property... seized", there is the potential for complications to occur during wartime between two nations, where spoils of war are taken and never formally agreed upon in any treaty;

Hoping that, through the elimination of this Resolution, future international legislation that effectively regulates commerce may be implemented, to the benefit of local, national, and international entities and populaces alike, and that moving forward this body can more effectively ensure the livelihoods of all and uphold its goal of being equitable to all peoples and all nations,

Hereby repeal Resolution 68, "National Economic Freedoms".
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

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This proposal seeks to repeal GAR #68, "National Economic Freedoms", due to several key issues it introduces, as well as the author's contention that it has outlived its usefulness as a whole. Notable flaws highlighted in the proposal are that the Impartial Mediation Foundation's mandate is not clear enough and doesn’t clarify that the committee is only meant to work in matters of commerce, leading to the potential for extraordinary amounts of bureaucratic morass that significantly hinder the General Assembly's work, that there exists no good reason for member states to hinder their ability to restrict objectively undesirable forms of commerce beyond the narrow exemptions provided within the Resolution, and that that Resolution fails to account for member states with significant delegation of authority and governance to regional subdivisions.

We find the author's arguments within the proposal to be convincing. The target Resolution, though probably necessary for its time, has indeed outlived its usefulness, and given fatal flaws such as the failure to properly restrict the Impartial Mediation Foundation's mandate, we see no reason for it to remain as standing legislation. We recognize that there may be persuasive arguments against this proposal, primarily concerning the potential threat to member states' ability to determine their own internal affairs surrounding commerce and economic systems. However, we believe that the scope of legislation potentially opened by the passage of this proposal would be limited to the restriction of commerce viewed almost universally as objectively harmful, and would not extend to broader restrictions on doctrines of economic organization (such as legislation targeting free market economies or collective ownership of productive means).

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, Repeal: “National Economic Freedoms”.
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I'm obviously not eligible to vote but I'm in support, believe it or not. Any questions on this repeal may be directed to me.

I can't find a ready replacement if the target resolution is repealed, which seems necessary for a several elements. I'd also take issue with the repeal itself, since the reasons provided are not entirely convincing in addressing the rationale for the original resolution.
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  1. The Impartial Mediation Foundation's purpose is extraordinarily vague, and without the clarification that it applies solely to issues of commerce, which is presumably its purpose, defining it to "investigate, mediate, and arbitrate" any conflicts that arise may very well make it the most sprawling of all World Assembly committees, given conflicts that arise in the forms of wars, embargos, disagreements on legislative texts, and countless other circumstances;
I agree that the defined purpose of the IMF is vague, but the words after it describing potential consequences is way too far of a stretch to be realistic. This essentially just takes a flaw and applies to a slightly-related topic without thinking about if the connection could be possible in real life. Thus the bolded part is subjective and unreliable. Furthermore, there is no replacement in the works, as others have mentioned. With these points considered, I am strongly voting against.
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