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Condemn Elysium Station II
Category: Condemnation | Target: Elysium Station II
Proposed by: Kingdom of Napels, Co-authored by: Miravana and Vara | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
RecognisingElysium Station II, as well as its predecessors and satellite states, as a malevolent force that has served under the banners of several prolific raider organisations, causing instability and strife in numerous regions throughout their long history;
Observing that Elysium Station II's ancestral homeland, Elysium station, came to join the condemned invader region Lone Wolves United in 2012, beginning their path to infamy;
Disturbed that the leadership of Elysium Station II, more commonly referred to as Green, steadily rose through the ranks of the invader organisations they became a part of, often playing a leading or pivotal role in the invasions and occupations carried out by the organisations they served;
Dismayed that Green, having risen to the rank of Khalif of Lone Wolves United, came to lead or play an important role in the invasions and occupations of Nova Historiae, City Ankh Morpork, Socialist Union of Authoritarian States and Korovia. In all of these operations, Green's ruthless efficiency with the border control powers granted to them played a decisive role in preventing defender forces from stabilising the regions and bringing them back under native control;
Shocked at the revelation that Green was furthermore appointed Il-Khan of Lone Wolves United in September 2016, effectively granting them co-governance of the region's day-to-day affairs; during their tenure as Il-Khan, invasions led by Lone Wolves United became more destructive, turning the armaments previously used to combat defender forces against regions' native occupants;
Horrified at the fates of Mahtomedi and No Region, two regions which were destroyed by invading forces overseen in part by Green. Green took an active role in the destructions as regional officer, weaponising their border control powers against defender forces and native nations alike; No Region was turned into a trophy despite attempts to save it, while Mahtomedi was barely spared a similar fate;
Understanding that, through its satellite nationXesperias, Green came to join HYDRA Commandduring that region's peak in 2016. During its time in HYDRA Command, Xesperias would come to rise to the rank of General, assisting in several notable occupations and invasions as regional officer, including during HYDRA Command's destruction of The Place That Has No Big Banks, which was liberated by the Security Council in a last effort to prevent its ultimate destruction, which proved futile;
Appalled that, not content to sow chaos and destruction through their role in invading and destroying regions, Green would take part in two separate efforts to destabilise the Feeder and Sinker regions in the pursuit of their own malicious interests:
- In 2017, Green came to Lazarus during a time of turmoil in that region. Following the outbreak of hostilities between the opposing sides, Green aided in the overthrow of the government at the time, monitoring the activity of the regional guardians, as well as timing the ejections necessary to gain control over the region, which would lead to the establishment of the Khanate of Lazarus, an openly raider-aligned regime.
- Two years later, during the attempted overthrow of the East Pacific’s rightful government by
Fedele and their associates, Green would play a similar role to assist the attempted coup, providing support for the attempted seizure of power behind the scenes by advising the rogue regional officers on the timing of their ejections. This effort was thankfully thwarted soon after by the rightful government and its allies;
Aghast that, following its destructive tenure as Il-Khan, Green was finally made Khan of Lone Wolves United in 2018, gaining ultimate authority in the region. During its tenure as Khan, Green oversaw the training and integration of new raiders, and awoke the invader region from a state of dormancy that it appeared to be reaching;
Alarmed that Green reappeared in 2022, playing a substantial role in the invasion and occupation of A Liberal Haven through their role in recruiting support and their efforts as a regional officer to repel liberations. Once more, Green's swift and effective use of their border control powers enabled the invading forces to maintain their grip on the region, culminating in the ejection of one of A Liberal Haven's oldest native inhabitants from their beloved region. The raid, in large part due to the efforts of Green, would peak at a previously unprecedented 208 endorsements, and would go on to serve as a rallying cry to motivate invader forces all across the multiverse;
Believing that the multitude of heinous actions undertaken by Elysium Station II and its associated nations warrant condemnation,
Hereby condemnsElysium Station II.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
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