Alsatian Island
- Pronouns
- he/his
- TNP Nation
- Alsatian Island

King Edward Investment Fund (KEIF)
International (KEII)
The King Edward Investment Fund was formed on January 30, 1938 (the last day of Afteryule in Atlish calendars) by the Forethegn at the time, George Asmont, who was seeking to aid international development during and following the Fascist Wars, of which Esthursia was removed and thus spared from the violence and damage. On the back of a drawn out period of economic prosperity and growth, Asmont made the decision - alongside the then-King, Edward V - to form an international fund in order to both strengthen Esthursian ties to other nations economically and culturally, and act as a helping hand for many nations out of the conflicts.
The International (KEII) side of the Fund was originally the largest portion, however in recent years has become its own department within a much larger sovereign wealth fund, after merging with the Union Sovereign Stock (USS) in 1962. The Fund today comprises of around 11.8 trillion UBI with its main asset contributors and holders including the Civic Bank of Esthursia, a gold and copper mining company and the Havenswald (co-operative of ports and shipbuilders).
WIP; more coming, all in good time