Morez - Proxy Notice


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation
The user @Morez has used a proxy service. I am posting this notification in compliance with the law mentioned below:

Section 1.5: Proxying
19. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
20. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
The user @Morez has used a proxy service. I am posting this notification in compliance with the law mentioned below:

Section 1.5: Proxying
19. "Proxying" is defined as use of a proxy server to render a forum user anonymous or any practice which allows a member multiple accounts.
20. Forum administrators will inform the Government and Court of Proxying they observe.
I'd like to apologize on that I was still new in the game and didn't know rules but am sorry and I promise it'll never happen again