Commend Andusre
Category: Commendation | Target: Andusre
Proposed by: Maowi, Co-authored by: Thousand Branches | Onsite Topic
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Convinced thatAndusre has determinedly been a force for positive change in NationStates, bringing their energy and enthusiasm to interregional culture, diplomacy, and military activity via their extensive work in Thaecia;
Praising Andusre's co-founding of Thaecia in January 2019, where they established a thriving population with a unique regional identity characterised by its sophisticated executive government, bicameral legislature, and highly social atmosphere;
Celebrating their conception of the body known as the Electoral Commission (EC) in Thaecia’s first ever Legislative Resolution; despite the resolution’s later repeal, the EC continues to run regional elections and plays an integral role in Thaecian politics, generating a theatrical sense of excitement at every election;
Applauding Andusre’s two terms as the region’s first Prime Minister, during which they paved the way for all future administrations by:
Recognising that Andusre has become synonymous with Thaecia’s foreign affairs, their personal and effective style of diplomacy forging strong bonds between Thaecia and a wide range of regions and communities, exemplified by:
- creating and solidifying the framework of ministries that underpins Thaecia’s executive to this day;
- organising regular cultural activities, such as contests and game nights, that strengthened the charisma and outreach of the community, routinely attracting foreign nations to participate and even to join the region;
- cultivating high-quality activity on Thaecia’s Regional Message Board (RMB), which has made regional politics uniquely accessible to all nations and facilitated citizens' engagement with official legislative and judicial business taking place on satellite regions’ RMBs;
Acclaiming Andusre’s influence in the construction of Thaecia’s military, elevating it to become one of NationStates’ largest forces through the development and articulation of Thaecia’s military ideology, and bringing awareness to the prosperity that an unaligned military can bring to a region both by fostering internal activity and as a crucial means of strengthening ties with influential regions all over the military spectrum;
- their key role in drafting or negotiating all of Thaecia’s current treaties, i.e. those with The East Pacific (TEP), Europeia, The League, and Balder, through their many terms as a Senior Diplomat, spreading harmony throughout the multiverse;
- their negotiation of embassies with 10000 Islands (XKI) and The Rejected Realms (TRR) as Foreign Affairs Minister, both of which remain very close to Thaecia; three months after the ratification of Thaecia's treaty with TEP, this marked a growth in the region's influence abroad and the start of an enduring affinity with major defender regions;
- their prolific organisation of cultural collaborations with foreign partners, such as a musical watch party event involving Thaecia, XKI, and TRR in 2021 that drew high attendance from all three regions and was repeated on a larger scale in 2022, as well as the foreign affairs side of Thaecia’s similarly successful Late Nite Festival II, bringing in dozens of participants from several other regions;
Further appreciating their contributions to the vigour of NationStates’ military scene through their frequent spearheading of joint operations with Thaecia’s allies, such as the highly-attended Operation Cayenne Pepper alongside The Order of the Grey Wardens and The Pacific, as well as frequent antifascist activities;
Revelling in the considerable growth Andusre has fostered in regional World Assembly (WA) participation, supporting new Thaecian authors and promoting WA relevancy; their work in the WA culminated in their role as president, where:
Appreciative of Andusre’s efforts as an author of four Security Council resolutions including SC 349: Commend Marrabuk, in which they highlighted the legacy of a key figure in TEP’s internal and foreign affairs, and SC 379: Reflections On 2021, in which they thoughtfully catalogued the major events of that year;
- they dedicated themselves to building the region’s WA program, causing its activity to skyrocket and heavily increasing WA literacy and awareness among Thaecians;
- they acted as a key advisor to the Prime Minister on executive policy and served as Commander in Chief of Thaecia’s military, making important decisions on military operations;
Wishing to enshrine a record of Andusre’s impact on NationStates in the history books as a shining example for future trailblazers to draw inspiration from;
Hereby CommendsAndusre.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
7 | 5 | 0 | 5 |
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