[PASSED] Confirmation of Dreadton as Election Commissioner


Secretly here
TNP Nation
Delegate Pallaith:
I am appointing @Dreadton as Election Commissioner, subject to a confirmation vote by the Regional Assembly.

@Dreadton has been appointed to serve as an Election Commissioner by Delegate @Pallaith. I open the floor to discussions about this appointment.

Additionally, I invite the Delegate to provide statements in support of the appointment.

Once moved, the motion that will be putting to vote for this confirmation is as follows:

The Regional Assembly confirms the appointment of Dreadton to the Election Commission.
I am happy to keep on experienced talent in the EC, and someone as conscientious as Dreadton (consider the recent EC-related r4r) is definitely the kind of person who should be parsing and evaluating our elections. I am also happy to keep Dreadton on wherever we can when he has the time and willingness to lend a hand to regional business. The effort and good work has not gone unnoticed and I’m glad he’s able to keep serving. As with Sil, he has my full confidence in this role.