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Repeal: ''Condemn The Black Hawks''
Category: Repeal | SC#52
Proposed by: Honeydewistania | Onsite Topic
Replacement: None
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.Security Council Resolution #52 “Condemn The Black Hawks” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Noting The Black Hawks' long and notorious history of flagrant violations of the national sovereignty of regions, which has been addressed in Security Council Resolution #217 "Condemn The Black Hawks",
Asserting that Security Council Resolution #52, also named "Condemn The Black Hawks", is a poorly written resolution that makes hardly any case for condemnation — let alone two — of The Black Hawks, and should be repealed in order to maintain the high standards of this distinguished body,
Dumbfounded by the extreme vagueness on display in SC#52, which undermines the resolution's effectiveness in presenting The Black Hawks as a threat to society by failing to include any region raided or targeted by The Black Hawks or any significant operation undertaken therein, a distinction that was even made by Security Council Resolution #1 "Condemn Macedon", a resolution that has since been repealed for its subpar writing,
Believing that attention-seeking practices such as drafting a "self-commendation" are not noteworthy enough to warrant condemnation from the Security Council and should be ignored,
Observing that SC#52 cites "hundreds of regions" having been raided by The Black Hawks, when in reality they were likely the mostly harmless and easily reversible "tag raids" which only affect the outward appearance of a region and its embassies, and do not usually involve "regional bans to permanently exert their control",
Recognising that since all resolutions, regardless of whether they have been repealed, are stored in an accessible database for all to peruse, SC#52’s standing as a supposedly "historically significant" resolution would not be notably diminished or forgotten as a result of its repeal,
Further recognising that no "history" of The Black Hawks’ heinous raiding activities from before 2011 would be erased as a result of a repeal, as the complete lack of details of such activities renders SC#52 completely useless in garnering any significant knowledge of The Black Hawks’ raiding from that time period,
Understanding that a new type of resolution in the Security Council, the "declaration", has been established for the Security Council to express its opinions on certain matters, and believing that a declaration would be better to ‘condemn raiding’ than a poorly written condemnation from over a decade ago,
Further believing that whilst some claim that The Black Hawks are deserving of two condemnations due to the scope of their dastardly deeds, SC#52 does a very poor job in capturing the notoriety of The Black Hawks, and that if The Black Hawks are indeed found to be worthy of two Security Council condemnations they should be recognised with a resolution that adequately details the heinous activities that they have engaged in throughout the years,
Concluding that SC#52, which utterly fails in presenting The Black Hawks as a region deserving of condemnation, should therefore be repealed, hereby:
Repeals Security Council Resolution #52, "Condemn The Black Hawks".
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
10 | 9 | 7 | 2 |
“Repeal: ‘Condemn the Black Hawks’” was defeated 4,983 votes (33.1%) to 10,045 (66.9%).
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