[SC - PASSED] Condemn Gholgoth

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Condemn Gholgoth
Category: Condemnation | Target: Gholgoth
Proposed by: Thousand Branches | Onsite Topic

Article I: The Tale of Gholgoth

The tale of Gholgoth is a terrible one, the story of a region so stuck in its own complacency that it has failed numerous times to stop the festering immoralities within its own borders. A history doomed to repeat itself. A place of conflict, hatred, and death where a single spark can set off a fire that ravages the lives of billions. Even what good nations and people exist are drowned out and manipulated by those in power - who will never be good themselves.

Such evils have resided in Gholgoth from the very founding of the region in 2005 by Automagfreek, a nation that was - at the time - ruled by the iron hand of Damien Dreadfire, a man who committed numerous war crimes under the Gothic flag including the brutal murder of millions of innocent casualties as human sacrifices for the Freekish god of war and the blatant bullying and domination of small nations and alliances all across the multiverse. The seeds were planted with Dreadfire, but they would only get worse as the years passed on.

Soon came another loathsome nation, The Kraven Corporation (Kraven), a sadistic nation willing to subject their enemies - and even their own citizens - to unspeakable horrors in pursuit of totalitarian control over the entire realm of NationStates. As the story goes, Kraven was welcomed into the Gothic Alliance under the pretense that they were the only region that could contain such a vile presence, but for years they have stood idly by while Kraven's evil continues to grow in power...

These are unfortunately not unique examples. The Scandinvans, another Gothic nation, may be one of the most repulsive and terrifyingly powerful nations ever known to the multiverse. They are responsible for fire bombing entire cities, sponsoring foreign religious fanatics, collaborating with slaving cartels, and advocating for the end of all non-human intelligent life. Oh, and they also sport quite possibly the largest military known to man.

Even the so-called "good" nations of Gholgoth have their own disturbing pasts. The personality cult of Caesar Silvier Catherina Silvanus IV in Kylarnatia has reached such heights that it requires non-state religions to be permitted to practice by law - a direct opposition to religious freedom. The leader of the United Dominion (also known as LOVE DOG), Caesar Jason Scotus Lupus, is linked to abhorrent crimes such as ordering soldiers to purposely target medical civilians in warzones and personally decapitating the pope on a live camera feed. Zneyvind Outpost (a puppet of the Zneyvind Federation), is a notoriously isolationist organization that refuses to do its part in combating Gothic threats.

The tension of so many opposing powers led to the battle of Hab Centre 006, a bloodbath sparked by Kraven’s quick and violent subjugation of Vetalia as a puppet state under their control. The ensuing conflict was one of the bloodiest battles in recent memory with anti-aircraft weapons and deadly traps being used to directly target troops from Ghant and Havensky as they evacuated civilians from the battle site.

In light of that battle, the region decided to take action. To their credit, modern Gothic peacemaking efforts have been prevalent; but alas the diplomatic meetings that occurred in response to the battle of Hab Centre 006 were almost entirely a sham, and the representatives involved were fooled into believing that peace could be in the cards for Gholgoth.

Another attempt at some form of peace was the formation of the Pax Gothica - a regional capital and neutral ground between the ever-warring nations of Gholgoth that also acts as an entrance point for inter-regional diplomacy - but whatever peace the Pax sought has been fully and terribly distorted. It features districts such as the aptly named "Sin" district, a place where widespread human sacrifice, gladiatorial arenas, cannibal courts, and nearly every other vice is performed on an unmentionable and unimaginable scale. At the center lives the Hall of Heroes, a monument to the many "heroes'' of Gholgoth, most of whom are ruthless and terrible warlords such as Damien Dreadfire.

Despite Gholgoth's best recent efforts, the region remains teetering on the edge of violent war. So many evils can only live in peace for so long.

Article II: A Declamation of Condemnation

For over a decade, this council has watched your region become complacent in its ways, unable to put an end to the great evils that dwell in your many nations. You have become a powderkeg with the fuze lit and the whole world dreads the day your evil finally begins its angry and terrible descent on the larger realm of NationStates.

Knowing you will never change, and fearing that you will one day corrupt our own august halls,

The Security Council hereby condemns Gholgoth.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Condemn Gholgoth" has passed 12,586 votes (82.6%) to 2,649 (17.4%).
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This proposal seeks to Condemn the Region of Gholgoth. This resolution highlights the fact that hideous atrocities were committed in Gholgoth since the region’s founding including wars with the sole purpose of human sacrifice and the violent suppression of Christianity in ways including invading countries that largely practiced the religion.The author also cites the numerous conflicts between nations in the region, the regular violations of human rights such as slavery, the destruction of other nations, and the wiping out of a significant amount of civilians. The resolution also mentions the failure of attempts at peace, which are bent to continue committing numerous crimes in the region.

This resolution accurately described the horrors in detail committed by the nations residing in Gholgoth. While they occurred long ago, they are noteworthy enough to be condemned even today. In this resolution, it was made clear what took place in this region, and why it is condemnable. The author did an excellent job in writing this proposal, in which there are no glaring flaws that would stand out. This, along with the unique style of writing, make this proposal hard to oppose.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, “Condemn Gholgoth".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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I love the formatting and TB, as always, does her usual excellent work with the writing and details. Resoundingly For.
Gholgoth are good people. AMF good. Kraven good. Scand good. Kylar good. LOVE DOG *FANGED SMILE*.

This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Thursday's Major Update.
"Condemn Gholgoth" has passed 12,586 votes (82.6%) to 2,649 (17.4%). This is author Thousand Branches' 7th Security Council Resolution authored.
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