[SC - DEFEATED] Commend Llorens

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Llorens
Category: Commendation | Target: Llorens
Proposed by: Indusse, Co-authored by: Grod Island | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Introducing Llorens as a nation that has immensely served a massive region with an outstanding community, The Leftist Assembly(TLA), as well as greatly participating in world journalism and international sports,

Recognizing Llorens' authorship of countless remarkable and foundational pieces of legislation in TLA, such as a new simplified Constitution and Code of Laws, the Judicial Separation Act (which established the Supreme Court of the region), Cabinet Legislative Package (which separated the executive and legislative branches) and the Military Removal Act (which abolished the region's dormant and inactive military),

Praising Llorens for creating the first ever Culture competition of TLA, a biannual event to design and vote for new regional symbols, which has since become a regional tradition,

Impressed by Llorens' hosting of the first ever quarterly TLA regional census which was meant to track the demographics of the region’s citizens, thereby assisting regional leaders in ensuring that rules and policies were made fully clear and properly followed,

Extolling Llorens' work in establishing TLA's highly successful ambassador program and Diplomacy Hub, which resulted in the strong relationship between The Leftist Assembly and a diverse array of many other large regions,

Lauding Llorens' creation of the unbiased and timely updated TLAwiki which serves as not only the regional encyclopaedia containing regional information such as election details, legislative proposals, and cultural/sporting events, but also the documentation of the regional history by incorporating elements of both government and community developments, as well as releasing the available information for public access,

Applauding that Llorens launched the immensely successful Revolutionary Support Exchange (RoSE) program in TLA, which aimed at exchanging endorsements and significantly increased the region's power in the World Assembly and bolstered it from outside threats,

Acknowledging Llorens' Secretary service in The Leftist Assembly, serving for a regional record of four terms, a reign in which they empowered the region by applying the fore-mentioned changes, running an able administrative system and making it one of the largest leftist communities in the Multiverse,

Understanding that Llorens served as Chief Executive Officer of NationStates Today (NST), a widely circulated newsletter across NationStates and has also served the writing community of NST by;
  • serving in various positions including but not limited to Chief Executive Officer (twice), Chief Content Officer, Chief Publishing officer, Editor, Governor and Chairperson which also saw them authoring varieties of articles on various international incidents,
  • authoring a record of over eighty articles based on political, cultural as well as international happenings in the Multiverse through the NationStates Today Newsletter,
  • wrote the Shift Series, a set of articles that analyses the World Assembly and its growth, helping nations to compare statistics regarding the growth of different regions in the World Assembly,
  • Actively being in these positions, which chose the future authors of the organisation and made sure that they maintained the standard and quality of the articles in NationStates Today and also gave training to the newly appointed authors.
Awestruck by the fact that Llorens' major role as the Potato General of the N-Day5 Faction “An Alliance of Potatoes” contributed to the faction's second place finish in overall score after a historic comeback from a bottom score,

Amazed by Llorens' hosting of The International Association of Football Federation World Cup (IAFF World Cup) as an invitational inter-regional soccer championship, thereby empowering various regions to take part in NationStates Sports by providing a different championship platform for regions to participate in,

Appreciating the various important roles Llorens has held in the NSLeft, an organisation formed to increase coordination and give a stronger voice to left-wing nations of the world, such as being the representative from The Leftist Assembly, and spearheading the major 2019 reforms that improved efficiency and coordination in the organisation,

Concluding that Llorens has been an impressive contributor to The Leftist Assembly, NationStates Today, and the sporting community, and thus merits official recognition by this body,

Hereby Commends Llorens.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Commend Llorens" was defeated 7,003 votes (44.3%) to 8,814 (55.7%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Llorens, primarily for their contributions to their home region The Leftist Assembly (TLA) and the interregional newswire NationStates Today. The author highlights their work in building The Leftist Assembly in a variety of areas--including culturally, diplomatically, and especially administratively. Additionally, the proposal highlights their contributions to NationStates Today through their leadership and authorship of articles, their leadership of the Potato Alliance faction in N-Day 5, and their leadership within the NS Sports community in hosting the football World Cup.

Generally, candidates with contributions across the spectrum of NationStates are slam-dunk candidates for commendations. However, this candidate falls short of the mark. Their administrative work is not described in real detail, and while the key parts of TLA's government structure were created by them, the rest of their work in TLA did not have a far-reaching enough impact to fit. Additionally, we find that the rest of their achievements as stated were definitely overstated with either some level of collective responsibility (N-Day 5) or with a limited impact over time (their leadership of NationStates Today). This all adds up to an impressive player, but not one who has cleared the bar for commendability. For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Llorens".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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This resolution hardly makes a convincing argument for the nominee. A major point that jumps out to me is that NST is quite inactive nowadays and it seems weird to commend the nominee for his contributions to NST.
The only things here that go beyond the singular region accomplishments are NSToday, NSLeft, and the sporting stuff (which is why the final section specifically highlights them). I’m not inclined to give much weight to the NSToday stuff and I know that NSLeft wouldn’t be united in their support for celebrating him for that work. I find the Potato Alliance thing to be odd because it was a large alliance that had many generals and I wouldn’t have given this much credit to one in particular.

Good start for a first time author, but still needs some work. Not sure this one could be reworked to make the nominee commendable though.

The writing itself seemed quite decent last time I looked this over, but I had no knowledge of who the nominee was. Given what other people are saying here, I'm inclined to go Against.
The only things here that go beyond the singular region accomplishments are NSToday, NSLeft, and the sporting stuff (which is why the final section specifically highlights them). I’m not inclined to give much weight to the NSToday stuff and I know that NSLeft wouldn’t be united in their support for celebrating him for that work. I find the Potato Alliance thing to be odd because it was a large alliance that had many generals and I wouldn’t have given this much credit to one in particular.

Good start for a first time author, but still needs some work. Not sure this one could be reworked to make the nominee commendable though.

Concur. Against.
Against. To add to what others have highlighted already about NSToday, Llorens pretty much tried to carry NSToday on his own shoulders, and it fell apart about as soon as he stopped putting effort in. That's not the legacy a commended nation leaves behind.
This proposal has received the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote in fourteen hours at Tuesday's Minor Update.
I concur with what others have said already. Llorens has made many contributions, as stated in the proposal, but they are not significant enough for a commendation. Against.
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