[GA - PASSED] Repeal: "Active Reduction of Space Debris"

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Repeal: "Active Reduction of Space Debris"
Category: Repeal | GA #595
Proposed by: Fhaengshia | Onsite Topic
Replacement: Active Reduction of Orbital Debris

General Assembly Resolution #595 “Active Reduction of Space Debris” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Manufacturing) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The General Assembly,

Appreciating the intent of GAR#595: “Active Reduction of Space Debris” to improve the under-heard environment of space and orbital habitats;

Believing, however, loopholes and other flaws in this legislation render it unworkable;

Acknowledging that although GAR#349 “To Prevent Dangerous Debris” requires that all space-launched objects de-orbit in a fashion, GAR#595 requires stronger incentivization for the overly-well defined platforms it directs member states to construct and utilize, as the unclear and unfortunate wording fails to specify an active requirement for the deployment of space debris de-orbiting platforms,

Additionally finding that the requirement for any affected space debris to be of a sufficient size that the effort would not be "wasteful" in de-orbiting could likewise enable member states to selectively define wasteful to an otherwise unreasonable level, thus enabling member states to also skirt responsibility in this regard,

Identifying that the narrowness of clause 3 is burdensome and restrictive to different member states as although it describes in great detail methods to be used, it however fails to sufficiently qualify when member states with more advanced technology are able to introduce their more efficient developments for space debris removal, and more-so that lesser-developed nations would be prevented from using the technology available to them to comply with the resolution, having yet to acquire the more advanced methods,

Finding that the environmental protections of atmospheric worlds from the effects of space debris burn-up in clause 2 to be sadly insufficient, particularly because the requirement that space debris must be de-orbited within 5 years of becoming debris has potentially disastrous consequences, requiring immediate de-orbit of such an astronomical volume as to detrimentally affect delicate atmospheric balances,

Lastly alarmed that clause 2 additionally could allow for more efficient methods to circumvent such environmental protections, thereby damaging the intentions of this resolution,

Now, hereby, the World Assembly repeals GAR#595 “Active Reduction Of Space Debris”.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Repeal: 'Active Reduction of Space Debris'" has passed 13,319 votes (86.4%) to 2,091 (13.6%).
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This proposal makes the case for repealing General Assembly Resolution #595 “Active Reduction of Space Debris” on the grounds of a series of loopholes and flaws it alleges render it unworkable. It points out the failure of GAR#595 to address its proclaimed purpose of incentivizing more active reduction of space debris, the exploitability of its vague requirement that de-orbiting operations not be wasteful, the excessive arbitrariness and specificity of its provisions regarding acceptable methods and timeframes for de-orbiting projects, the failure to address environmental repercussions, and a potential opt-out that threatens to further compromise the proposal's intentions.

The resolution this proposal seeks to nullify is both flawed and redundant, causing harm significantly greater than would be possible in its absence. The repeal itself echoes many of the points we mentioned in our IFV for the original, and is written solidly throughout, giving us no reason for opposition.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Repeal: "Active Reduction of Space Debris"".

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our World Assembly Legislative League partners.

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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For. But I'd mention the point I made on the TNP forums last time, which is that for the last 15 years or so, there's been exactly zero improvements to IRL technologies to remove space debris, all of which involve (1) gravity (2) burning it up in the atmosphere.
This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Thursday's Minor Update.
For because target bad, but let's not make self-repeals a habit, even if it is a coauthor doing it this time.
"Repeal: 'Active Reduction of Space Debris'" has passed 13,319 votes (86.4%) to 2,091 (13.6%). This is author Fhaengshia's 2nd General Assembly Resolution authored.
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