[SC - PASSED] Repeal: "Commend One Small Island"

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Repeal: "Commend One Small Island"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #381
Proposed by: Thousand Branches | Onsite Topic
Replacement: Commend One Small Island

Security Council Resolution #381 “Commend One Small Island” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Acknowledging the commendability of One Small Island and appalled that such circumstances demand the use of a repeal on a commendable nation;

Realizing, however, that SCR#381 does an abominable job of demonstrating the commendability of One Small Island by virtue of extremely poor writing, a stubborn lack of key details, and a completely uninspired view of one of the most astoundingly benevolent nations in the multiverse;

Confused by the first clause’s fluff-filled approach of listing every Warzone region while introducing very little that contributes to the commendability of One Small Island and therefore the resolution;

Disturbed by the noticeable lack of detail in a good portion of the resolution, most clauses being vague and poorly explained generalities such as:
  • Making a note that One Small Island ensured peace in the Warzone Federation between two hostile parties but not going into any detail as to what was actually done to ensure that peace;
  • Introducing One Small Island’s contributions to defending in Warzones but failing to mention any of their foreign military work in large scale liberations;
  • Providing an entire clause of noteworthy statistics from One Small Island’s delegacy reign in Warzone Sandbox and proceeding to make no note of why any of those statistics matter at all;
  • Providing only the “recognizing” clause as any indication of One Small Island’s tireless work in building the region of Warzone Sandbox through government structure, recruitment, and community building;
Astonished by the sheer number of basic grammar and syntax mistakes riddled throughout almost every clause of the resolution despite the wealth of nations (and ambassadors thereof) that offered up language advice during the drafting process; these mistakes including but certainly not limited to:
  • The use of “empowering” to open the third clause despite it making no linguistic or grammatical sense with the rest of the clause;
  • The use of “lead” instead of “led”, irrespective of at least two ambassadors that made specific notes about the incorrect spelling of that word;
  • The phrase “Believing that the relationships forged…to be significant”, a clear grammatical error that once again demonstrates an unwillingness to take advice when it comes to language mistakes;
Disappointed that the resolution makes such little effort to present One Small Island as a cultured nation deserving of individual commendability, providing only the last clause as any clue of the island’s national character;

Believing that the Security Council should provide One Small Island with a commendation that better encapsulates the nation and all its incredible achievements;

Hereby repeals SCR#381, “Commend One Small Island”.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!


"Repeal: 'Commend One Small Island'" has passed 14,752 votes (94.2%) to 912 (5.8%).
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This proposal seeks to repeal the existing resolution commending One Small Island citing poor writing, a lack of key details on One Small Island's achievements, and basic grammar and syntax mistakes, among other issues with this resolution. It seeks to supersede this with an improved resolution with significantly more elaboration of One Small Island's accomplishments.

We concur with the author's view that the existing resolution does not do justice to the achievements of One Small Island. In areas such as the Warzone Sandbox, the Warzone Control Council, One Small Island's extensive military accomplishments, and its work in bringing in foreign allies and in fine arts, the resolution lacks key details that would significantly strengthen this resolution and therefore render it immune from being repealed. We also note that a replacement resolution has been drafted and appears to have wide support in the community.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "'Repeal Commend One Small Island'".

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our World Assembly Legislative League partners.

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!

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This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn (or marked illegal), it will proceed to a vote in approximately 71 minutes at Minor Update.
"Repeal: 'Commend One Small Island'" has passed 14,752 votes (94.2%) to 912 (5.8%). This is author Thousand Branches' 3rd Security Council Resolution authored.
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