Liberatores [Retconned]


Constantine sea
On the IMS Constantine

Due to radio silence there was no call over the ships loud speaker, the officers were tasked with walking around the ship waking up the legionaries. I hated waking up early, the ship always seemed to smell more like musk when I woke up before six. The centurion wanted us to be ready in thirty minutes. So I decided to shower and get myself ready before todays events. I always liked to start my day with a shower so that I could have a moment to wake up. I figured since today was likely a day I was going to fight, I needed to have my wits with me.

I walked past the mess on the way to the showers and grabbed some coffee, I took it black and chugged it on the way. The showers were cold, they were always cold. I didn't mind the blistering cold, if I was going to die today I would at least like to leave a pretty corpse. I didn't turn on the shower lights, I just wanted to be alone while I gathered my thoughts. All I could think about was why I was about to do this, I remembered when the order came to set sail to the northern island of Palmyra, a message was received by a radio station. The message said that the Sauvidici minority on the northern most island was falling victim to a cultural genocide. Members of the Sanguine cult had been rounded up and taken into reeducation camps. The Imperial senate was thrown in an uproar. The decision of the senate and Imperator came down the chain of command, until it reached the cohort centurion who sat us down and told us that we would be executing operation coca. We had some idea of the plan but none of the specifics.

The centurion then told us our orders, our orders were to seize important infrastructure points. The main objective is a bridge that connects one of the major northern towns to a prison camp, to prevent more Suavidici from being sent to there the 8th airborne cohort was going to shut down the bridge so that our troops were the only one who could use it.

All of a sudden I was ripped out of my thoughts and back to the moment. My alarm was going off and I was brought back into the world of a cold shower, I dried off and put on my uniform. The camo was unflattering, but I guess its better to be alive and looking ugly than dead and pretty. The centurions started yelling as they went through the halls, "GET UP YOU LITTLE ASSHOLES WE GOT A WAR TO WIN!" The yelling caused all of the men to run to their standards. The filling into formation and waited for their orders. Packs, rifles, and helmets were at the ready the legate walked down from the bridge to give us a speech before taking off.

"Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Suavidici legions!

You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Epiphan and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the Rayvostoskan war machine, the elimination of Communist tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Palmyra, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is will trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely.

But this is the year 2022! Much has happened since the Communist triumphs of the nineteenth century. The Suavidici rebels have inflicted upon the Rayvostoskans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Rebel radio wave offensive has seriously reduced the Communist strength in moral and damaged their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Front have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty Deus upon this great and noble undertaking."

The legionaries let out a yell as they prepared to board their craft. I finally think that the great crusade against the red menace, ever since I was a kid there was a mythical day that would come where legions would free the oppressed populations of Palmyra. I felt a sense of excitement deep in my chest, this day was the reason that I joined the legions in the first place. My centurion gave the order and we began to move out and go to our craft, whether that be helicopter, boat, or plane. We are coming and we will not be stopped. My cohort boarded our plane and waited for take off.

The ride was smooth, the coup that was taking place prevented a serious air defense and the rebels on the island were distracting the Palmyrans. Hopefully the Palmyran soldiers would think that there were more important problems than us. The green light went on and the doors opened, the first person to jump was the centurion, he was a show off as always. I hated waiting to jump so I was next the cold morning air hit me first, I was always told that Palmyra was tropical so I was shocked to feel the cold air. I let myself fall until it was time to pull cord, and a few moments later I hit the ground. The ground, and I learned how hot Palmyra was. We landed close to the bridge and a column of Communist trucks pulled up, some of their men got out and began to fire upon us. We started to move quickly to prevent the area from getting more hot, and the legionaries that landed later gave fire support. The bridge was cleared and we radioed in saying that our mission objective was secured.

Imperial royal palace

Augustus prepared for the diplomatic response that was going to happen from the Suavidici invasion. So Augustus was going to go on the offensive of the pen, he sent dispatches to the diplomats in the LP and to send one to the UAS. The diplomats were to present the radio call from the Suavidici on the island, and they were to present all information that has been found by spies. The Imperium was not going to fall on the back foot, the world sun was rising on the phenix of the east once more.
OOC Music: The Cliff

Orelma City Center
Orelma, Rayvostoka
Sunday, January 2nd, 2022
5:32 AM

Nikita struggled as he hurridly tugged his boots onto his feet. Sirens blaring, the young man looked over his shoulder to his partner standing behind him.

"Misha! I need you to get me my security badge while I get finished here." Misha nodded and darted off to the bedroom and began to search.

"Where is it?" He shouted.

"It's on the dresser next to the picture of me and Zia," Misha said distracted as he quickly tied both boots and stood. Misha in a hurry makes his way out of the bedroom, badge in hand runs to Nikita pushing the lanyard into his arms and his face onto Nikita's. Wrapping his arms around him and planting a kiss on his lips.

Looking Nikita straight in the eyes, Misha held his arms around him in an embrace and sobbed.

"Please Niki... make it home safe. For me." The man placed his head on Nikita's neck as tears flowed from his eyes down onto his partner's uniform.

Nikita stood there for a moment in the embrace. "I will Mishi, I will. Just please, make sure you get to the shelters."

The sobbing Misha nodded. "I will."

The lovers broke off the embrace, as Nikita exited the apartment and made a dash down the hallway to the stairs.

Orelma City Metro
Orelma, Rayvostoka
Sunday, January 2nd, 2022
6:26 AM

Women and children lined the floors of the station, huddled together bracing for the impact of another incoming missle. Zia sat quiet, holding her son tight to her chest.

The station rumbled.

Screams erupted from the terrified children, as ceiling lights flickered and the room shook with great intensity. Zia now began to cry, despite her wanting to put on a brave face she could not. But she held her son Vasya close and whispered into his ear a little song


Не ложися на краю,

Придет серенький волчок

И укусит за бочок."

Hushaby, hushaby,

Don’t lie on the edge of your bed

Otherwise a grey wolf will come

And bite your side.

It was something her grandmother sang to her, to keep the monsters away and to keep her safe as a child. And it brought her a strange comfort despite the ominous lyrics. Which seemed to be true as the small child curled up next to her, in an attempt to sleep.

RPA Command Stoykosti*
Muski, Rayvostoka
Sunday, January 2nd, 2022
6:57 AM

Lieutenant General Budayev surveyed the reports strewn out on the make shift desk in front of him. His officers reported several instances of designated missile strikes along the northern coast alongside instances of paradroppings in the northern portion of the island in an attempt to secure vital infrastructure. Air defenses were up and active, taking shots at incoming jets and planes and doing the most they could. It was going to be a large force, he knew that already. But he hadn't been sitting idly for the past thirty years, waiting for the inevitable. He had made Stoykosti a fortress, just as it was always intended to be.

The radio messages sent by the Imperials weren't even encrypted, their calls for revolt to the ethnic Sanguine would be dealt with in due time and thankfully the coup back in Lebdev had been almost completely quashed or at least that's what the suits there had been saying.

Looking up from his papers, Budayev called over a young officer who had been working as his aide.

"Comrade Egorov, come here for a minute." He waved the man over.

"Yes, Comrade General?" Egorov saluted and stood at attention.

"At ease." The general nodded to him and he assumed a resting positon.

"What do you need, Comrade General?" He asked, his eyes making contact with the man's stern eyes and quickly breaking from them.

"I need you to inform Major General Kozlov that he is to have his troops rally in the jungle near to Kutama and set up defenses between Bozhiykholm* and the sea. And I also want you to tell Brigadier General Popo that his force is to set up on the other side near Pervouturynisk, and tell them both to await for further orders. As they will be key in stemming an Imperial push south. Understand?"

"Yes, Comrade General. I will inform them of your orders."

"Good, dismissed." Egorov saluted him and Budayev returned the favor returning to his reports.


RPA Command Stoykosti- Rayvostokan People's Army Command Stoykosti- which in Mercanti means Fortitude and is the name of the island.

Bozhiykholm- God's Hill, a large mountain that takes up a large portion of Stoykosti's center.
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