Winter Kingdom
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- seathestarlesssky
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Reflecting on its past decision in Security Council Resolution #359 to identify and acknowledge the General Assembly, one of the most venerable constructs of international governance, previously thought to be inaccessible to this plane of reality given its location at the end of a dimly lit multiverse portal, obstructed by Latin textbooks,
Undeterred, dispatched the brightest legal minds that the universe has ever known, as well asLucabaduka, to investigate and discover the General Assembly's purpose, culture, and excessively-detailed resources describing the intricacies of tire irons,
Witnessing the incalculable horror of the World Assembly Headquarters, established by General Assembly Resolution #8, stretching up hundreds of thousands of floors into space, and growing even now as their so-called Office of Building Management, drunk on power, channels an endless mandate to construct rentable office space,
Revealing that this investigation team discovered a hidden chamber beneath the east wing's adamantine-plated water closet, containing a list of individuals who are named as the "World Assembly Elite", ensconced within a chest made of pure diamond, and engraved with the iconography of the Secretary-General, directly adjacent to a portal to hell,
Revolted by the General Accounting Office's regular performance of alchemy, transforming payments from over 22,000 World Assembly nations into a single stream of liquid gold, filling the incalculably large pools beneath the basement level of the Headquarters, in which the so-called WA Elite's Tier-3 subscription members, alone, are permitted to swim,
Affronted by the millions of unpaid gnomes which carry out all administrative duties of the General Assembly. The miniature servants, operate without payment, benefits, or dignity, being violently called forth from the Unused Gnome Storage dimension and bound by brutal blood magic until death,
Terrified by the General Assembly's impossibly large and insatiably ravenous tentacle monster, Snuggles, which emerges from the depths of the hell portal and utterly devours nations that vote opposite the desires of their local World Assembly Affairs department, as well as nations that do not endorse their native delegates,
Concluding that the unchecked waste, corruption, and rising arcane threats from the General Assembly compel this Security Council to action, utilising all the power and authority at its disposal to ensure the safety, health, and continuity of all living creatures,
Realising that there is, in fact, no power or authority that resides within a Security Council declaration,
- The Phrase "of war" to be a concept, without context, as a possible state of affairs that one could be engaged in, and where the arson of a several thousand level building could hypothetically be an objective.
- World Assembly members should endorse their native delegates.
- Snuggles must be destroyed.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
For | Against | Abstain | Present |
1 | 12 | 0 | 1 |
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