Opening Address and A Summary Of Last Term.

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Election Commissioner
TNP Nation
Hello everyone!

I would like to start by apologising for not sending an end of term report but in real life caught up to me in the final month of last term which caused the Home Affairs to be in a little stand still. Nonetheless, I am back, I see that you’re back and together we’ll make this term the greatest!

Last term:
I’ll keep this summary short because I think we should look forward and not back. Last term I think mentoring, welcoming and birthday Taskforce went well whilst we should’ve been a bit more productive with lists. A fairly good term even though I know Home Affairs has done better previously.

This Term:
I am grateful to continue as minister for another term. We will be continuing with our essential work this term (sending lists and mentoring etc.), as well as reviewing our current telegram templates and possibly redrafting a few because there are risks that some are outdated. We also need a new telegram template for our newest ministry, Ministry of Media. I definitely don’t see the above as a “Minister Only” job so I would be more than happy if you want to help out.

I will appoint the same three deputies that ended last term but I am willing to appoint more so just dm me on discord or contact me via telegram or message on the forums if you’re interested in becoming a deputy minister. I also welcome young staffers to take the chance and become deputies. I hereby appoint @Katuda , @Tringapore and @Vivanco as Deputy Ministers of Home Affairs. Please take your oaths.

I am looking forward to another term working with all HA staffers. A roll call will be out shortly to see what you want to work with. You are required to answer it. Otherwise I guess it’s time to start working again and get another term going!


Your Favourite Hamster
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