[SC - PASSED] Commend One Small Island

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Greater Cesnica

TNP Nation
Greater Nabeul

Commend One Small Island
Category: Commendation | Target: One Small Island
Proposed by: Noble Titans | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly;

Noting the past recognition this esteemed chamber has granted towards crediting Warzoners, nations who inhabit Warzone Africa,Warzone Asia, Warzone Australia, Warzone Europe, Warzone Airspace, and Warzone Sandbox, govern, expand the six warzone regions, and go on to achieve historic success in the Warzones,

Recognizing that One Small Island is one of the most prominent members of Warzone Sandbox and the Warzone community as a whole through their work in the creation and governing of The Sandcastle Kingdom, and the Warzone Empire,

Empowering that One Small Island helped lead the charge of freeing Warzone Australia from Lardyland, helping go on to create the Warzone Control Council, that lead to regional stability, and the second largest endorsements of a Warzone World Assembly Delegate at that time before the Warzone Control Council disbanded,

Fascinated that One Small Island has the longest continuous reign as World Assembly Delegate of any Warzones, (850+ Days), at the time of this writing, while setting the Warzone wide records for the most World Assembly endorsements of 128 during, and the highest amount of nations, 418, during their reign,

Impressed with One Small Island’s leadership as chief peacekeeper in 2019, ensuring peace was achieved between the former Warzone Federation lead by then President Jean Rowe, and the Rebel Cause, led by Domais leading a long period of peace, stability, and activity in the Warzones,

Applauding the willingness to help others as One Small Island repeatedly often acted as the leader of military forces which have restored native control in Warzone Europe, Warzone Africa, and Warzone Asia, and was able to bring out a lot of military leaders and past Warzone leadership to fend off several major raid attempts in Warzone Sandbox,

Believing that the relationships forged with major foreign governments under the delegacy of One Small Island to be significant, and to have played a major part in solidifying warzones among the international community as a legitimate basis for significant governments and communities, as their careful efforts lead to relationships with major influences like The Rejected Realms, 10000 Islands, The League, The East Pacific, and many more,

Amazed by the achievements of One Small Island outside of warzones, controlling nations such as A Giant Meteor — a nation which acts as a featured region follower — and contributing much to the world of international artwork through the collections, “My Doods” (maintained by Sergeant McCool), “Crew” (maintained by Percival the Pirate Penguin), and “Squeakers” (maintained by Blands Candumive),"

Happy that, through it all, the government and people of OSI have managed to remain humble, and delightful to interact with,

Hereby commends One Small Island.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend One Small Island" has passed 8,620 votes (56.5%) to 6,634 (43.5%).
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This proposal presents a case for commending One Small Island (OSI), a notable Warzones player. Notable facts the proposal details include OSI's creation and governance of The Sandcastle Kingdom and Warzone Empire, two staples in the Warzone community, their assistance in freeing Warzone Australia from Lardyland and helping stabilize the region, their notable reign as the longest continuous World Assembly Delegate among all Warzones, and their leadership in pursuing diplomatic relationships with major regions such as The Rejected Realms, 10000 Islands, and The East Pacific among others.

There is no doubt in our minds that One Small Island is indeed commendable. However, we do not believe that this proposal makes an adequate case for such commendability. Major points of contention we have include the fact that the proposal fails to adequately cover OSI's work for the Warzone Empire, especially politically, the mention of their cards-related endeavors do not advance the case for OSI's commendability, and that there is a significant lack of detail when it comes to the diplomatic achievements of OSI and how exactly they benefited the Warzones where such diplomatic ties were established.

We are furthermore perturbed by the vagueness and lack of supporting detail in several points, such as how long the peace bartered by OSI's activities in 2019 lasted for, specific examples of military leaders and past Warzone leadership that OSI's own military leadership brought out to bolster the defense of Warzone Sandbox, and how exactly the foundation of The Sandcastle Kingdom and the Warzone Empire were significant.

Authors must keep in mind that Resolutions should be able to educate people in the future on the specifics of a nominee's achievements. Unfortunately, this proposal does not fulfill that expectation. Thus, the above flaws and concerns preclude support from us.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend One Small Island".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!
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I don't believe this has had significant impact on the world or even a part of NS overall. I believe that the only reason that this nation is being proposed is due to the region involved being a Warzone. If it was a UCR that was founderless, I don't believe this would be as remarkable.
I’m not part of the world assembly, but as the author let me say a few things;

1. One Small Island has been apart of a community that is very highly demanding of being on your A game.
2. They broke records in the Warzones we may never see again possibly. There’s people who have been commended who haven’t done half the things One small Island has done!
3. This was taken time for writing. I did my research, and spoke to many people to get the facts.
4. People from the WZ’s don’t get enough credit that they truly deserve! OSI is one of those people!
This proposal has received the requisite approvals to enter the formal queue. Baring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote in an hour and thirteen minutes at Minor Update.
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