NPA Helps to Liberate Trovons

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Good evening, TNP

This minor update forces from 23 regions and organisations gathered in Libcord and together liberated a raid of Trovons. Held by The Black Hawks and a coalition of groups numbering 96 endorsements, 115 liberators made it into the region in time to update, bring to an end a four update occupation - a total of 5 NPA soldiers took part across multiple updates. We were invited to join the effort to free Trovons by our friends and allies The South Pacific, and I thank Humansanity for reaching out to us - and I hope it isn't the only time we fight on the same side going forward.

NPA Soldiers involved:
Minister of Defence @Koopa103
General @Bobberino
Major @9003
Captain @Gorundu
Warrant Officer @Healiopolis

This represents a significant proportion of our active roster currently, and is a good turnout to build on for the rest of the time - and I'm pleased that the NPA has been able to stretch its liberating muscles this term. You can join the NPA and help us build on this success by following this link.
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