[SC - FAILED] Commend Libertanny

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Libertanny
Category: Commendation | Target: Libertanny
Proposed by: Aivintis, Co-authored by: Ponthieu | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Believing that there exists few nations of such caliber that can permanently better the fates of their regions through work of extraordinary difficulty and nearly unmatched inspiration, of which Libertanny of The East Pacific (TEP) can be counted,

Applauding Libertanny’s contributions to TEP as Minister of Information in early 2018 and Chief Minister of Communications in late 2018, a period in which they worked to involve members of the unrepresented Regional Message Board (RMB) community within the Ministry, and played an integral role in expanding the reach and scope of the Eastern Pacific News Service (EPNS) as an informative tool, also repealing the EPNS Act (which heavily restricted the operations of the EPNS) in the Magisterium so that the EPNS could function with greater flexibility and effectiveness,

Identifying Libertanny’s contributions to design and art in TEP, serving as Minister of Design in late 2018, where they engaged a formerly decaying ministry, circulating various design programs to assist nations in their pursuits, and creating numerous designs including the TEP delegate seal as well as various flags, badges, and awards.

Admiring Libertanny’s valiant efforts to oppose the 2019 coup d’etat of TEP by Fedele via the founding of a legislative bloc which actively and publicly opposed Fedele’s actions, the proposal of a symbolic Magisterial resolution to condemn Fedele for openly ignoring regional law, and the assistance in unendorsement campaigns during the coup to depose the usurper, ultimately playing a vital role to overcome the subversion,

Recognizing Libertanny’s restructuring of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following the coup, creating a new leadership council consisting of senior diplomats and delegating leadership responsibilities to it, helping democratize the decision-making process, ease the burden of leadership, and allow for such greater efficiency that it remains in use to this day,

Noting Libertanny’s extensive structural reforms of TEP’s Government during their eight-month tenure as Delegate, including but not limited to:
  1. Empowering World Assembly influence in the region by establishing the independence of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs from the purview of any other ministries, strengthening its decision-making power and building engagement within this very Assembly,
  2. Creating Ambassador positions for various, underrepresented communities within TEP's government, such as the RMB and the Cards Association, TEAPOT; connecting TEP’s government to more isolated parts of the region and fostering a greater sense of community in TEP,
  3. Instituting the precedent of allowing regional legislature representation in treaty negotiations, improving upon the prolonged process of drafting treaties and eliminating a large hindrance to the advancement of interregional diplomacy, and
  4. Directing the creation of REWARD without aid, a World Assembly Development Program which has strengthened regional security by incentivizing the endorsement of regional security officers and encouraged a more vibrant endorsement culture within the region,
Saluting Libertanny’s contributions to TEP diplomacy during their delegacy, mainly by building treaties emphasizing goodwill, mutual defense, and cooperation, with regions such as The Free Nations Region and Thaecia, both of which have become some of TEP’s closest allies,

Appreciating Libertanny’s initiative in creating and helping to host all editions of the well regarded 2020 “Paradoxical Event”, a gaming festival regularly enjoyed by 100+ nations; this boosted regional activity for participating regions, and encouraging the forming of new and bountiful international relationships; and in founding the subsequent “Paradoxical Corporation,” which will continue to host such events,

Accrediting that Libertanny has single-handedly transformed and bettered The East Pacific as a respected leader, hard worker, and reformer on a caliber befitting such a commendation,

Hereby Commends Libertanny.

Co-authored by Ponthieu.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

"Commend Libertanny" has failed 5,330 votes (36.7%) to 9,187 (63.3%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Libertanny for their significant contributions to regional development in The East Pacific (TEP). Specifically, the proposal references the nominees contributions to the growth of multiple ministries, their achievements as delegate of TEP, and their aid in helping TEP recover from the Fedele coup of 2019.

While there is no doubt Libertanny has contributed to the growth and development of The East Pacific, the contributions listed are not sufficient to merit a commendation for a GCR delegate. His work as Minister and Delegate in the ministries mentioned - Communications, Design, Foreign Affairs, and World Assembly - either had less of an overall impact than conveyed in the proposal or were just run-of-the-mill tasks you would expect of a minister. For example, the nominee’s contributions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were hardly unique and even led to less efficiency and their “establishing independence” for the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs was a largely cosmetic change. The proposal also fails to account for their failures as delegate, such as the creation of the ill-fated Consortium and their inability to manage the diplomatic fallout from breaking relations with TWP and Osiris. Another major point of the proposal is their role in defending against Fedele’s 2019 coup. However, the author admits in their forum thread that Libertanny was only part of a whole when it came to defending the East Pacific, with the main “commendable” action taken by the nominee was the proposal of symbolic legislation to combat the usurper.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend Libertanny".

Our Voting Recommendation Dispatch--Please Upvote!

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Against. It's dubious whether many of the listed achievements actually improve the region. For example, the so-called "independence of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs" was essentially a nominal change, which didn't really affect the running of the ministry. The practice of including the legislature in treaty negotiations I don't recall improving the efficiency much, and I don't believe it was continued after his Delegacy. And of course the proposal leaves out the various failures of his Delegacy, including The Consortium, an ill-conceived project, and some pretty bad diplomatic fallout with TWP and Osiris
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This proposal has received the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Thursday's Major Update.
Against. It's dubious whether many of the listed achievements actually improve the region. For example, the so-called "independence of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs" was essentially a nominal change, which didn't really affect the running of the ministry. The practice of including the legislature in treaty negotiations I don't recall improving the efficiency much, and I don't believe it was continued after his Delegacy. And of course the proposal leaves out the various failures of his Delegacy, including The Consortium, an ill-conceived project, and some pretty bad diplomatic fallout with TWP and Osiris
Is it kosher if we vote in favour of this, in return we ask TEP and TWP etc to get a couple of commendations for our guys who may not otherwise qualify?
Is it kosher if we vote in favour of this, in return we ask TEP and TWP etc to get a couple of commendations for our guys who may not otherwise qualify?
No, not really. I’m pretty sure that we don’t want poor-quality commendations for our members when we have plenty of already commendable people here.
Is it kosher if we vote in favour of this, in return we ask TEP and TWP etc to get a couple of commendations for our guys who may not otherwise qualify?
Adding to what Comfed said, other regions might do that, but this is not the way our WA Affairs operates.
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