Sir Kasto for Vice Delegate

Tim Kasto


Sir Kasto - Promise for Security, Integrity, and Dedication


I believe an introduction is in order. I am Kastonvia or also known as Sir Kasto. You may know me from the regional message board, TNP General Discord, or working with me. Through the year that I have been in The North Pacific, I have held many positions in various branches of government. I am currently a Deputy Speaker, Deputy in multiple ministries, and a Gameside Advocate.

Vice Delegate Platform

Security Checks
- The security checks, I have been a Deputy Speaker for some time now and I am no stranger to this kind of work. I can easily say that they will be done on time and with precision.

World Assembly Development Program - The WADP is heavily google sheet based which is no problem for me since I enjoy working with spreadsheets.

Declassification - I plan on continuing these duties as they appear. I will make sure that archives will be declassified with the proper procedures and haste.

Endotarting and Community Relations - The Delegate, Vice Delegate, Security Council, and The North Pacific are experiencing lower endorsement numbers than we previously had. It can be contributed to the summer lull, an overall decline of the player base, or how we endotart. I cannot promise a sudden increase in WA endorsements in the region when I get elected, but I can promise a reevaluation of how we endotart. Currently, The North Pacific government is disconnected from the larger gameside player base. The only interaction they have with the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Security Council is that they should be endorsed for the overall security of the region. This is where the problem arises. Why should they endorse people they never interact with or even know? I believe a constant interaction with the gameside community will allow better communication and endotarting as they will recognize us. Building a closer connection with the community members will not only promote stronger regional security but help retaining players since we are creating a close bond between the government and the people.

A common issue with players is that the government is run on the forums and generally inaccessible. In the future with the new game changes being proposed, we will also need to change. It is not enough to pop in every couple of weeks to say hi or to write a single message post. As often as I can I try to engage the players, get to know them, and have them get to know me. It will also be important for the Security Council to form these connections with the players so in case of an emergency they know who they can turn to. There will be discussions and there have been discussions on having Security Council getting involved on the regional message board. Some people think we should force the Security Council to post on the regional message board or require post quotas. That is not what I want or what anyone wants. The interactions have to be real. There is no better way to do this than lead by example. As the chair of the Security Council, I will actively interact with the people and help them get to know their government better. I will encourage fellow Security Councilors to interact, inform, and build connections with the people. Perfect examples of Security Councilors who engage actively with the community are Marcus and former SCer Nessie. Overall outreach from the government and easy accessibility of government officials are required if we want to build a larger community, maintain a secure region, and increase our endorsement levels.

World Assembly Endorsement Level - The most important aspect of the Vice Delegate. How will I maintain and gain the endorsement level to be second in endorsements in the region? I will utilize both endotarting and community interaction to gain my endorsement levels while simultaneously promoting community growth.

Various Vice Delegate Duties - One of the many things I learned from Cretox when I become Deputy Minister of Home Affairs is his mentoring of newer people on the forums who are trying to gain citizenship. Home Affairs mentorship is important but personal interactions with the Vice Delegate especially help promote a closer-knit community and introduce people to the government. I plan on continuing the Vice Delegate mentorship of residents applying for citizenship who pass the security check. I intend on every message to be personal rather than a template and help people find what they would be most interested in.

In the current situation, I believe my experience and dedication are what The North Pacific currently needs. I am excited about the challenges I will be faced with and what I can do to improve the region. Thank you for your time. I hope you consider me for Vice Delegate in the coming election.
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I'll ask the same question for you as I did in LD's thread since it seems both of you are around the same endorsement levels ~

Do you think your current amount of endorsements will be a challenge, and how will you overcome this? I remember when Robespierre was elected Vice Delegate and struggled mightily through his term to get up to that second place spot, and that was when our tools were actually functioning. I admittedly haven't read your campaign yet but I'd imagine considering your previous experience in TNP that you would be a serviceable VD despite one that would have a decent endorsement mountain to climb to get to where it would be preferred that a Vice Delegate would be at.
I'll ask the same question for you as I did in LD's thread since it seems both of you are around the same endorsement levels ~

Do you think your current amount of endorsements will be a challenge, and how will you overcome this? I remember when Robespierre was elected Vice Delegate and struggled mightily through his term to get up to that second place spot, and that was when our tools were actually functioning. I admittedly haven't read your campaign yet but I'd imagine considering your previous experience in TNP that you would be a serviceable VD despite one that would have a decent endorsement mountain to climb to get to where it would be preferred that a Vice Delegate would be at.
That is a good question!

I am currently in the process of endorsing everyone, I am 238th in the region. After my endorsement blitz I will be reaching out to everyone personally via telegrams. As I mentioned in my thread I will be playing a more active role gameside but not only to increase my endorsement level but to build connection with the people and the government.
Kasto! I'm excited to see this, honestly. And you're taking it seriously. Fantastic!

While I have worked with you as a fellow deputy and I know you can be serious and productive, those who only see you in TNP gen might think you're trolling or too trolly for the position. Can you handle being serious when you need to be?
Kasto! I'm excited to see this, honestly. And you're taking it seriously. Fantastic!

While I have worked with you as a fellow deputy and I know you can be serious and productive, those who only see you in TNP gen might think you're trolling or too trolly for the position. Can you handle being serious when you need to be?
Hello Sarah!

I completely understand your concern. My persona in TNP General discord is different from what people see behind closed doors in TNP Executive. I want everyone to know that I will approach the Vice Delegate position with absolute professionalism and dedication. The Executive Council during McMasterdonia's term had their doubts when I applied to be a Gameside Advocate. They had the same concern as people could have now. I can say that their concerns were lifted as I demonstrated the ability to do the job and how to conduct oneself. As a Vice Delegate, things will be no different. I will hold myself to a high standard to represent the government and The North Pacific in the best and professional form.

I understand that it can be seen as unprofessional, especially in TNP Gen Discord, where visitors, foreign diplomats, and everyone can view it. I can promise an end to this sort of manner during the term, and the fun side of me will stay where in areas where it is appropriate. I will act in a way that reflects positively on me as a Vice Delegate and The North Pacific.

"i am never serious"
But this time, you've lied to me!

Good luck, Kasto!
No comment :ermm:
Thank you!
Thank you very much, Yuno!
Why have you decided to run for vice-delegate?
Hello Skaraborg!

This position will be a challenge, and a way to improve the region. I can bring something new to the office by going beyond the expected minimum. Importantly, there are problems that currently exist in the region such as endorsement levels and lack of community outreach with a broader gameside player base. I plan to go beyond sending telegrams to bolster the endorsement levels. I want to build a community that is in touch with its government. I want to encourage people to seek out government positions so we can promote a strong democracy. One of my challenges and goals is connecting the government, especially the Security Council, to the players. One of the many criticisms of the government that I see is that its forum based. There is nothing wrong with a forum-based government, but the government must be connected with the outside world. I hope to lay the stepping stones to this ambitious project.
Full support, tbh. I have you work hard and I know you have a lot of love for TNP. I believe you can handle this responsibility and I trust you. Good luck!
I am fully supportive of this campaign. Kasto is one of the hardest workers out there. He will be an excellent vice delegate.
For what it’s worth, having seen what he’s capable of as Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs, I echo the words of Honeydew and Sarah.
What separates Kasto from many others is his more frequent interactions with the RMB in humourous ways, and from what I’ve seen both in the Ministry of WA affairs and TNP, he’s a pretty amazing guy. Good luck for your run for vice delegate!
What separates Kasto from many others is his more frequent interactions with the RMB in humourous ways, and from what I’ve seen both in the Ministry of WA affairs and TNP, he’s a pretty amazing guy. Good luck for your run for vice delegate!
Thank you, NBU!
I was gonna tell you to make a haiku campaign using a haiku, however I couldn't find a website that turned my text into a haiku.
is it true that you're terrified of the tnp revolution and what if anything, can you do to stop this menace?
I am far beyond terrified. We must make do for the inevitable slow death that we will suffer at the hands of the revolutionaries.

I was gonna tell you to make a haiku campaign using a haiku, however I couldn't find a website that turned my text into a haiku.
You would like me to make a campaign in a form of a short poem?
I am far beyond terrified. We must make do for the inevitable slow death that we will suffer at the hands of the revolutionaries.

You would like me to make a campaign in a form of a short poem?
It'd be the coolest thing ever.
Can we trust that you will not vacate Office?
I'm sure Kaston will respond himself, but if the last four months are anecdotal evidence in the slightest, the only time he was gone for more than a few hours was during his return from abroad. So...I don't think he's much of a risk in that department.
I'm sure Kaston will respond himself, but if the last four months are anecdotal evidence in the slightest, the only time he was gone for more than a few hours was during his return from abroad. So...I don't think he's much of a risk in that department.
Okay, thanks.
Can we trust that you will not vacate Office?
Hey New Celoveniortan,

This is a great question and a valid concern. I can promise I won't vacate office because I know the responsibilities when I began my campaign. As Boston has pointed out, I have never come close to vacating office or being unreachable. The summer is ending, and school is starting for me. It might take me more time to respond, but I am not planning on vacating the office anytime soon.

Awesome Kasto :) best of luck
Thank you for the kind words, Westinor!
Kasto, this is unexpected.

I appreciated how you quickly dispensed with the basics, and I won't dwell on them either, though I will acknowledge that you have already demonstrated a knack for keeping an eye on troublesome players as a GA and have been vigilant on the anti-fascist front, so I know you will be diligent and careful with checks. I also know you'll be suited for gameside outreach and even for coaxing SCers to post, because you do that every week with Theme Thursday.

Cretox looms large over this campaign given the mark he left on the office you and your opponent(s) now seek. Regarding his platform, which had a lot in it, was there anything else you wanted to pursue or develop? Obviously his connection to HA and reaching out to new citizens is a big par of your vision, and something you ought to be suited for, given you work in HA, but you didn't touch on it much in this platform. How would that experience be applicable to the VD's office and how would you use what you know there in this admittedly very different role?

Expanding a bit more on this, in a more general sense, you've been involved in a lot of places in the region. I can see how some of that experience would apply to the VD's office with how you want to tackle it, but there's a lot more to this job than the specific tasks you did in each ministry. Do you feel it's adequately prepared you to step up to what is one of the hardest jobs in the region?

You have staked most of your platform on community outreach and engaging gameside. At times (such as in your responses to campaign questions on he RMB), you have even blurred the lines between the office of VD and Delegate. I do appreciate you acknowledged that the delegate makes calls on how to get gameside players involved in government, but I do wonder if some of what you're aiming to do may stretch the office of VD a bit more beyond what it is meant to do. Better communication is great, and essential, but effectively being a super-charged gameside advocate is starting to miss the point of being the chief security officer in the region. I know Cretox has stretched the understanding of the office too, most notably by overlapping a lot of duties with HA and being better involved with new citizens at the time they apply, but there are some who probably feel that wasn't his place and that generally it shouldn't be done. I don't really know how to turn this into a question I guess, but it came to mind and I guess I want you to confront that idea so...what do you think of that?

Community interaction is a key part of how you plan to grow your endorsements and, I suppose, plan to boost the overall numbers going forward. What's the secret to this strategy and how would you utilize it to succeed where everyone else has previously failed? Have we just been overlooking it? I think you are on t something with this platform and this idea, but I suspect the execution isn't as simple as you're making it sound. I accept I may be an out of touch old player though who just doesn't use my gameside muscles enough, so maybe I just don't get it. But could you help enlighten me a bit? I suspect this would help with many of the other SC members as well.
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Hello Pallaith,

Thank you for taking the time to write this out.

Regarding his platform, which had a lot in it, was there anything else you wanted to pursue or develop?
A couple of things come to mind, the Security Council Handbook and working with the Ministry of Culture. I plan on maintaining the Security Council Handbook with up-to-date information and finishing any of the missing entries. The Security Council Handbook is an excellent tool for building community relations with the player base. It introduces the current Security Councilors more than just people in charge of regional security. It helps explain what they have done to become a Security Councilor and helps build that starting bond between the people and the Security Council. I also believe it might act as a push for a person to engage with the regional government to one day become a Security Councilor. All of this continues to fall under the umbrella of community relations. What I want to talk about next is the Ministry of Culture. I plan on getting involved and working with the future Culture staff to create events that get both gameside players and the government to participate. An event like the Masquerade comes to mind that I helped pioneer alongside Sarah and Prydania, which I believe will help show the fun side of government officials to the gameside player base. It might even inspire people to join the Ministry of Culture to help develop new events and ideas.

Obviously his connection to HA and reaching out to new citizens is a big par of your vision, and something you ought to be suited for, given you work in HA, but you didn't touch on it much in this platform. How would that experience be applicable to the VD's office and how would you use what you know there in this admittedly very different role?
Firstly I would like to thank New Celoveniortan for appointing me as a Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, where I was able to gain the experience. During this term in Home Affairs, I got to work heavily on the mentoring aspect of the ministry. It involved mentoring new people on the forums and getting new people a mentor. First, I would like to touch on getting new people a mentor. Speed was crucial when reaching out to a new person. Sometimes people would join and never revisit the forum, so it was vital to contact them before it happened. It takes few hours for a new person to get the mentor between the time I see them and when I got a mentor assigned. I also would like to thank both Venicea and Tringa, who helped get mentors to the mentees quickly when I was not around. The second is mentoring new people. From my experience, personalized messages yield the best results when it comes to getting people to respond. It is normal to have a mentor template that you send out, but it must come off as sincere. You also don't want to overwhelm the individuals with links and information in the mentoring. The person must ask what is available rather than telling them outright. It is important to let them control the flow of the conversation by allowing them to ask questions about what we offer as a region. You still want to inform them, but you don't want to dump all that information at once. In the future, if they have a question, they know who they can contact. Overall it helps retain newer people and grow our community.

Expanding a bit more on this, in a more general sense, you've been involved in a lot of places in the region. I can see how some of that experience would apply to the VD's office with how you want to tackle it, but there's a lot more to this job than the specific tasks you did in each ministry. Do you feel it's adequately prepared you to step up to what is one of the hardest jobs in the region?
I am prepared for the challenges that face me by being a Vice Delegate. I don't jump into things headfirst and hope it works out in the end. That sentence was a lie because I jumped headfirst by becoming a Deputy Speaker. I was still brand new to The North Pacific, and I was completely unprepared when I became a Deputy Speaker. Currently, I don't think this is the same situation. I have been involved in a lot of places ever since, which you have pointed out. You also pointed out that the job is more than doing specific tasks. I don't believe I will be stumped as a Vice Delegate. I have been doing new things in the region since I have joined The North Pacific. It will certainly be a challenge, but it is not that I am not prepared for.

You have staked most of your platform on community outreach and engaging gameside. At times (such as in your responses to campaign questions on he RMB), you have even blurred the lines between the office of VD and Delegate. I do appreciate you acknowledged that the delegate makes calls on how to get gameside players involved in government, but I do wonder if some of what you're aiming to do may stretch the office of VD a bit more beyond what it is meant to do. Better communication is great, and essential, but effectively being a super-charged gameside advocate is starting to miss the point of being the chief security officer in the region. I know Cretox has stretched the understanding of the office too, most notably by overlapping a lot of duties with HA and being better involved with new citizens at the time they apply, but there are some who probably feel that wasn't his place and that generally it shouldn't be done. I don't really know how to turn this into a question I guess, but it came to mind and I guess I want you to confront that idea so...what do you think of that?
I completely understand what you mean about stretching the scope of the office as Cretox did. I want to start by saying I was inspired by Cretox going above the norm and being more than a chief security officer. I believe we have to push the boundaries especially with the new proposed changes in NationStates. Even if these changes are not going to happen soon we have to prepare for that possibility. By building a government, especially the Vice Delegate, that interacts and communicates with the gameside player base we will have a chance to retain more players that might move onto other regions. This is rather ambitious, but I believe preparing for that possibility is worth it. I understand people might not agree with me on this, but I only want to help contribute to the growth and success of The North Pacific.

Community interaction is a key part of how you pan to grow your endorsements and, I suppose, plan to boost the overall numbers going forward. What's the secret to this strategy and how would you utilize it to succeed where everyone else has previously failed? Have we just been overlooking it? I think you are on t something with this platform and this idea, but I suspect the execution isn't as simple as you're making it sound. I accept I may be an out of touch old player though who just doesn't use my gameside muscles enough, so maybe I just don't get it. But could you help enlighten me a bit? I suspect this would help with many of the other SC members as well.
I understand your concern with my strategy being very ambitious, especially with helping grow endorsement levels. I would like to begin with my reason for why community outreach and relations could work. Many newer people don't understand what the World Assembly is or how exchanging endorsements works. They might not even understand the reason for the Security Council. The Ministry of Home Affairs does send telegrams telling people to join the World Assembly, but they could be blocked or just ignored. I also saw that someone was taking endorsements as a payment to make custom flags. In my opinion, that clearly shows that people don't understand what endorsements are. It is not enough to send telegrams saying you should join the World Assembly or endorse the Delegate, the Vice Delegate, and the Security Council. We need to reach out to make them care and understand. We need to be active in explaining the advantages of endorsing. To make them care about it, we need to be a government that cares about them. I am not saying we should only rely on just community outreach but rather use it as an extension of endotarting.