New Minister of World Assembly Affairs


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore

Office of the Delegate
A New Minister of World Assembly Affairs: 16 August 2021

Salutations, citizens, and to whom it may concern:

I will be brief with you, so as to not waste time, and so that we all have an equal understanding of why this is happening.

Although unfortunate, Cretox's disappearance and subsequent vacating of office has brought about a chance for us to make history. A chance for us to show that no matter whether you're a citizen or a resident, that your dedication and service to this community can be recognized and will be rewarded.

My appointee on this day is proof of that. Overcoming technical difficulties to continue their productivity in one of our most vital ministries., they have shown resiliency, they have shown attentiveness, and they have shown what it means to be an executive staffer.

As such, in accordance with Article 6 Clause 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific:

8. The Delegate may appoint a non-citizen resident as a government official provided the Regional Assembly exempts that resident from the preceding clause by majority vote.

I hereby appoint @Boston Castle, a resident, as Minister of World Assembly Affairs.

To quote myself in my message bringing this matter to the Regional Assembly:

"This is undoubtedly someone who's shown unwavering dedication to the Ministry during their time here, both under Minister @Westinor and Minister Cretox, and someone who's been carrying out their responsibilities dutifully in their capacity as Executive Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs."

Please join me in wishing Boston Castle the utmost success in his new role as he receives an appointment that's well-deserved! You may take your oath of office, Minister.



Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Delegate of The North Pacific
Congratulations to a well qualified and exceptional individual. I see you continuing to do a fantastic job in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. Just ignore the trolls.
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Office of the Delegate
A New Minister of World Assembly Affairs: 16 August 2021

Salutations, citizens, and to whom it may concern:

I will be brief with you, so as to not waste time, and so that we all have an equal understanding of why this is happening.

Although unfortunate, Cretox's disappearance and subsequent vacating of office has brought about a chance for us to make history. A chance for us to show that no matter whether you're a citizen or a resident, that your dedication and service to this community can be recognized and will be rewarded.

My appointee on this day is proof of that. Overcoming technical difficulties to continue their productivity in one of our most vital ministries., they have shown resiliency, they have shown attentiveness, and they have shown what it means to be an executive staffer.

As such, in accordance with Article 6 Clause 8 of the Constitution of The North Pacific:

I hereby appoint @Boston Castle, a resident, as Minister of World Assembly Affairs.

To quote myself in my message bringing this matter to the Regional Assembly:

"This is undoubtedly someone who's shown unwavering dedication to the Ministry during their time here, both under Minister @Westinor and Minister Cretox, and someone who's been carrying out their responsibilities dutifully in their capacity as Executive Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs."

Please join me in wishing Boston Castle the utmost success in his new role as he receives an appointment that's well-deserved! You may take your oath of office, Minister.



Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Delegate of The North Pacific
why make a unqualified resident MoWAA,why not allow a qualified individual who has experience in the role
why make a unqualified resident MoWAA,why not allow a qualified individual who has experience in the role
You still never explained in the other thread how they are unqualified. Yet, an overwhelming majority of the Regional Assembly supported this individual to serve as the Minister of MoWAA. Please take your negativity out of this thread.
You still never explained in the other thread how they are unqualified. Yet, an overwhelming majority of the Regional Assembly supported this individual to serve as the Minister of MoWAA. Please take your negativity out of this thread.
taking negativity out of something is impossible,everything needs criticism to survive. He is unqualified
because he has had no experience in the ministry,he has had no experience in the government and no citizenship.
taking negativity out of something is impossible,everything needs criticism to survive. He is unqualified
because he has had no experience in the ministry,he has had no experience in the government and no citizenship.
Do your research before making such incorrect statements. Then people might take what you have to say seriously.
taking negativity out of something is impossible,everything needs criticism to survive. He is unqualified
because he has had no experience in the ministry,he has had no experience in the government and no citizenship.
Oh, yes, OBVIOUSLY! The guy who has been occupying the Executive Deputy MoWAA (a position almost equivalent to the MoWAA) for the past year or so has no experience.

My balls. You are just trolling.

Also, congrats to Boston. You're a legend.
Oh, yes, OBVIOUSLY! The guy who has been occupying the Executive Deputy MoWAA (a position almost equivalent to the MoWAA) for the past year or so has no experience.

My balls. You are just trolling.

Also, congrats to Boston. You're a legend.
I only had the post of Executive Deputy MoWAA for about three and a half months. Had been just a straight deputy for three before it. (I actually think today is Boston Castle's first birthday. If not it's tomorrow or Saturday. I've been a member of the MoWAA since BC has been around.) Thank you nonetheless for the well wishes.