Crypto-lire:a currency to rule the earth


Lord cap
Crypto-Lire is a crypto currency that is easy to mine and sell,worth about 1.8 NS dollars. Its origins are in Ancapimania and its founder is awesa lire. If you want want more info about the crypto lire,read this Q&A
Q:How do I mine Lire?
A:you send the amount you want (Max:10,000) and it will be processed,you will get a message saying if you have been accepted. If accepted,you get the money. And it's mined when given
Q:is Lire a substantial currency?
A:Yes. Instead of other currencies,Lire is purely online.
Q:Can I buy more lire after one purchase?
A:Yes,but at least a day after previous purchase.
Number of lire:
Nation name:
will you continue buying Lire:
money willing to pay:
Last edited:
Number of lire:8,712 lire
Nation name:Ancapimania
will you continue buying Lire:Yes
money willing to pay:17,424 sorvaks