[SC - PASSED] Commend Imperium Anglorum

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Commend Imperium Anglorum
Category: Commendation | Target: Imperium Anglorum
Proposed by: Jedinsto | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Aware of the prior Security Council Commendation of Imperium Anglorum (IA) for their work in the General Assembly (GA), but believing that their contributions to the World Assembly (WA) and the world at large since this initial commendation to be significant enough to warrant a second commendation,

Recognizing IA's development of InfoEurope, recording the content of all proposals submitted to the WA, voting statistics of at-vote resolutions updated hourly for the benefit of scholars and authors of the WA; as well as EuroTracker, which allows nations within Europe to learn which other nations they have and have not endorsed, significantly contributing to Europe having the highest average amount of WA endorsements per nation,

Lauding IA's service as delegate for Europe for an incredible five and a half years, during which time they contributed the following to the region:

  • Authorship of the Treaty of the Northern Passage, which most notably established mutual government recognition, embassies, non-aggression and defense, open communication, supporting domestic GA authors, and cultural co-operation between Europe and The North Pacific, thereby boosting regional security, intelligence, and influence in the World Assembly for both regions,
  • Authorship of the Foreign Policy (World Assembly) Act, which confirmed the ascension of Europe to the World Assembly Legislative League, furthering Europe's role as one of the most powerful regions in the WA, and
  • Continuous authorship of crucial administrative Acts, such as Criminal Law Act, which established the definitions of crimes, maximum punishments for crimes, and the process of determining the punishments for those crimes, all of which had been missing in Europe's legislation and all of which are important in regions as large as Europe,

Noting IA’s brief ventures into the Security Council, during which time they authored and passed SC#255 Commend Knootoss, for their authorship of six GA resolutions and their consistent debating in the halls of the Assembly,

Appreciating IA's continued dedication to the GA through the critique of countless drafts, providing platforms for private debate on drafts, and the authorship of several GA guides in order to make the chamber more accessible to newcomers,

Honoring IA's six co-authorships of GA resolutions, accentuating their dedication to international law and helping other authors, most notably including:

  • GA#440: Administrative Compliance Act by Separatist Peoples, establishing means of punishing those in non-compliance with international law,

  • GA#445: Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program by Ransium, strictly enforcing maximum emissions of greenhouse gases, ensuring that the environment receives basic protection in member nations, and

  • GA#486: Prevention of Forced Sterilisation by Maowi and co-authored by Marxist Germany, outlawing the barbaric practice of sterilising people against their will and as such significantly improving worldwide human rights,

Recognizing that while IA's first commendation was largely based on their work in international law, their work has not stopped and has only increased in its diversity and importance,

Praising IA for their authorship of 23 new General Assembly resolutions since their first commendation, most notably:

  • GA#535: Death Penalty Ban, outlawing all forms of capital punishment outside of military penal codes, preventing the emotional burden of an extra life lost due to a crime, and altogether preventing oppressive regimes from executing those who have committed lesser crimes,

  • GA#499: Access to Abortion, completing the resolution chain that ensures that there is a reasonable and consistent access to abortion,

  • GA#514: Ending School Segregation, guaranteeing that children not be discriminated against in their education and allowing parents to demand legal action when their child is being discriminated against,

  • GA#531: Tariffs and Trade Convention, one of the strongest Free Trade General Assembly resolutions on the books, codifying a set of rules, regulations, and guidelines for free trade that were previously missing, and

  • GA#412: Public Health and Vaccinations Act, requiring that everybody who is medically able be given vaccines for contagious diseases which pose a threat to public health,

Believing that IA's continued and valuable contributions to international law as well as that of Europe show indubitably that they are worthy of further recognition,

Hereby commends Imperium Anglorum.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD]Against[/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]6[/TD][TD]15[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]
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This resolution seeks to commend Imperium Anglorum for a second time for a variety of reasons. The author goes first into their technical expertise and prowess and how their skills have greatly improved the efficiency of delivery of Europe’s government services. Second, this resolution goes into their myriad new contributions since their first resolution to the World Assembly before underscoring their administrative and legal impact on Europe.


IA is undoubtedly worthy of commendation, which is why he has been commended previously. The proposal at vote would incorporate the achievements and exploits that he has accomplished in the time since the previous commendation, which is precisely the sort of thing that becomes necessary when someone is commended early in his career. Typically this is remedied by repealing the existing commendation and replacing it with an updated one. The author of this proposal chose instead to commend IA *again* by essentially continuing the same list from the first proposal, and defended this choice by asserting that IA "deserves" to have two commendations, a feat that has never happened before. IA, it should be noted, is a player with much left to do, and he shows no sign of stopping. Should he eventually retire, this author has stated he would repeal this resolution and write a replacement. We believe that is the proper course of action *in the present*. Commendations should comprehensively cover the highlights and worthy accomplishments of a nominee's entire career, and be updated as needed. Those with more than one earn them under different nations, for very different and diverse reasons. Passing this resolution would set a bad precedent that will further cheapen commendations in the future.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Commend Imperium Anglorum"
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So the first commendation wasn’t sufficient because IA has continued to do more and more, so you make this second one that uses very specific numbers and will itself become outdated in a few years because IA is obviously not done as a player and will continue to author more? I continue to object to this particular strategy for a player who isn’t done with the game. If you’re going to take the extraordinary step of commending someone a second time, it should be when you’re sure they won’t give you reason down the road to ask for a third commendation for the same reason. Otherwise, you can just repeal/replace the outdated one with this one.

IA is a worthy nominee for a commendation (and the WA agrees since he already has one). But he’s far from done as a player. This is premature. Maybe most commendations can be said to not be premature when they happen even though the player is still active in the game and contributing, because they cover the majority of what a player has done. Clearly IA already did so much when he was commended the first time. But I think the second commendation ought to have a higher standard, considering we’re breaking the mold here.

So the first commendation wasn’t sufficient because IA has continued to do more and more, so you make this second one that uses very specific numbers and will itself become outdated in a few years because IA is obviously not done as a player and will continue to author more? I continue to object to this particular strategy for a player who isn’t done with the game. If you’re going to take the extraordinary step of commending someone a second time, it should be when you’re sure they won’t give you reason down the road to ask for a third commendation for the same reason. Otherwise, you can just repeal/replace the outdated one with this one.

IA is a worthy nominee for a commendation (and the WA agrees since he already has one). But he’s far from done as a player. This is premature. Maybe most commendations can be said to not be premature when they happen even though the player is still active in the game and contributing, because they cover the majority of what a player has done. Clearly IA already did so much when he was commended the first time. But I think the second commendation ought to have a higher standard, considering we’re breaking the mold here.

I agree with a large part of what Ghost is saying here. He’s right that it’s probably premature from the perspective of “he still has more to do”. And quite frankly, in my mind, if someone or some region has done enough for a second commend/condemn, it should be because either: 1) they’ve announced their retirement and they will no longer actively participate in quite the same way they used to or at all or 2) because their achievements since the first commend/condemn was passed are in some way unique to their situation or because they’ve done stuff in another part of the game that merits further recognition.

I don’t believe IA has cleared that bar and, to be clear, I don’t expect he will in any meaningful sense of the word. I don’t think IA cares much about the finer aspects of NS that aren’t the WA and running Europe, he doesn’t vote in the SC and rarely comments there for example, and that’s completely okay.

This, however, is where I diverge from Ghost. I agree the timing is probably not great, he definitely has more to give and clearly wants to give more or at least has not shown a willingness to back down yet. That being said though, he’s expanded enough on his original commend, as Jedinsto details, to really make me think about whether to support this. If he weren’t such a pillar of the communities I frequent and he wasn’t such a tireless worker in the GA and elsewhere, I’d have absolutely no problem saying no, but he isn’t and I think he’s a unique case beyond what my outlined principles above would have me believe.

Which is to say…For [Non-WA].
I agree with a large part of what Ghost is saying here. He’s right that it’s probably premature from the perspective of “he still has more to do”. And quite frankly, in my mind, if someone or some region has done enough for a second commend/condemn, it should be because either: 1) they’ve announced their retirement and they will no longer actively participate in quite the same way they used to or at all or 2) because their achievements since the first commend/condemn was passed are in some way unique to their situation or because they’ve done stuff in another part of the game that merits further recognition.

I don’t believe IA has cleared that bar and, to be clear, I don’t expect he will in any meaningful sense of the word. I don’t think IA cares much about the finer aspects of NS that aren’t the WA and running Europe, he doesn’t vote in the SC and rarely comments there for example, and that’s completely okay.

This, however, is where I diverge from Ghost. I agree the timing is probably not great, he definitely has more to give and clearly wants to give more or at least has not shown a willingness to back down yet. That being said though, he’s expanded enough on his original commend, as Jedinsto details, to really make me think about whether to support this. If he weren’t such a pillar of the communities I frequent and he wasn’t such a tireless worker in the GA and elsewhere, I’d have absolutely no problem saying no, but he isn’t and I think he’s a unique case beyond what my outlined principles above would have me believe.

Which is to say…For [Non-WA].
Here’s the problem. You could have updated the existing one to account for that new stuff. By your own metrics, a second commendation isn’t the best way to do this.

A second commendation is a statement, and the statement is “this guy is so awesome we can’t just have one commendation for him.” For that statement to really work, you have to back it up with the content. And this argument doesn’t do that. It’s just more of what he was commended for the first time, with a few big picture stuff. This does not make the statement that you want it to make. It opens the door to second commendations over repeal and replace updates. If the first commendation was so stuffed with content and he kept going, I might be warmer to a second one that completes the narrative. But this Isn’t that.

All due respect to the guy, he’s great and deserves recognition. Which he’s already received. This is unecessary and not being done in the best way, if we were to advance this content, we should do it right. Love the enthusiasm and I’m sure IA appreciates the sentiment, but this is not a good idea.
IA is still definitely going places and isn't gonna stop in the foreseeable future. However, after all that he has done, I thought a second commendation is still appropriate even if he's not slowing down. He deserves it now and as such I don't see it as premature. If he ever does get to the level of needing two commendations (but not deserving of an unthinkable three commendations) but an updated version, I will gladly repeal this resolution myself. IA deserves it, period, end of story. Time will tell what we do from here.
IA is still definitely going places and isn't gonna stop in the foreseeable future. However, after all that he has done, I thought a second commendation is still appropriate even if he's not slowing down. He deserves it now and as such I don't see it as premature. If he ever does get to the level of needing two commendations (but not deserving of an unthinkable three commendations) but an updated version, I will gladly repeal this resolution myself. IA deserves it, period, end of story. Time will tell what we do from here.
So are you saying he doesn’t actually need two right now? Because you’re right. If it’s not out of the question to repeal one to update it, why aren’t you doing that with the original commendation?

This is sounding like it amounts to “he’s so awesome he needs two” without actually having any substantive reason aside from “he deserves to have two for the sake of having two” with the implication being, no one else has had that before so he should be the first.

Subsequent posts from you guys just make me feel worse about this whole thing. I hope people can see past the IA love (which again, is deserved and I share) and see that this is symbolic fanboy fluff and not a compelling, necessary, or well advised move.
So are you saying he doesn’t actually need two right now? Because you’re right. If it’s not out of the question to repeal one to update it, why aren’t you doing that with the original commendation?

This is sounding like it amounts to “he’s so awesome he needs two” without actually having any substantive reason aside from “he deserves to have two for the sake of having two” with the implication being, no one else has had that before so he should be the first.

Subsequent posts from you guys just make me feel worse about this whole thing. I hope people can see past the IA love (which again, is deserved and I share) and see that this is symbolic fanboy fluff and not a compelling, necessary, or well advised move.
No, he definitely needs two right now, which is the whole idea of a second instead of R&R.

There is plenty of reasoning, which can be found by reading the proposal. He's earned it.

Excuse me? "Symbolic fanboy fluff?" You're completely missing the point if that's what you think. I obviously have a great appreciation for IA, but "symbolic fanboy fluff?" No, just no.
IA is still definitely going places and isn't gonna stop in the foreseeable future. However, after all that he has done, I thought a second commendation is still appropriate even if he's not slowing down. He deserves it now and as such I don't see it as premature. If he ever does get to the level of needing two commendations (but not deserving of an unthinkable three commendations) but an updated version, I will gladly repeal this resolution myself. IA deserves it, period, end of story. Time will tell what we do from here.
I really have to agree with what Ghost is saying here. The issue is that a second commendation is important not for the number count of commendations, but the more symbolic "a single one is not enough" - which is why when the question of a second commendation/condemnation is so often raised people speak in terms of great strides in areas different from the one the nominee is C/Ced for. A second commendation is not another milestone, to be stacked upon a first and capped by a third and fourth. There isn't a set number of achievements or resolutions you must author to attain another commendation, and right now, this feels like an add-on to the first rather than something new. It's not just "oh, not enough for a second commendation" - it's that there's very little that feels different from the first. If anything, it's a correction of the first commendation, which is why the commendation feels so underwhelming. A second commendation is a statement, but right now it feels like it's being treated as a milestone.
I wouldn't necessarily be against IA receiving a second Commendation - but if it is gonna happen, it needs to be for entirely different reasons than why they got Commended the first time around. See r3n being commended the first time around for his technical contributions, and then a second time for his contributions to the cards community. It also should not be largely numbers based either, as that would become outdated rather quickly as IA seems to be far from done, and as a result we would be having a "should we commend IA for a third time?" conversation before too long
I really have to agree with what Ghost is saying here. The issue is that a second commendation is important not for the number count of commendations, but the more symbolic "a single one is not enough" - which is why when the question of a second commendation/condemnation is so often raised people speak in terms of great strides in areas different from the one the nominee is C/Ced for. A second commendation is not another milestone, to be stacked upon a first and capped by a third and fourth. There isn't a set number of achievements or resolutions you must author to attain another commendation, and right now, this feels like an add-on to the first rather than something new. It's not just "oh, not enough for a second commendation" - it's that there's very little that feels different from the first. If anything, it's a correction of the first commendation, which is why the commendation feels so underwhelming. A second commendation is a statement, but right now it feels like it's being treated as a milestone.

I wouldn't necessarily be against IA receiving a second Commendation - but if it is gonna happen, it needs to be for entirely different reasons than why they got Commended the first time around. See r3n being commended the first time around for his technical contributions, and then a second time for his contributions to the cards community. It also should not be largely numbers based either, as that would become outdated rather quickly as IA seems to be far from done, and as a result we would be having a "should we commend IA for a third time?" conversation before too long
Thanks guys, but don’t forget to also cast your votes.
Against for reasons stated

Having worked with IA longer than pretty much everyone else in this chat, hell, most of WA staff even. I am firmly in the position to be able to say that I admire the work he has done however also say that does not need two commendations for the sake of having two commendations. A repeal and replace for an updated one would be much more fitting.
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This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Major Update on Friday, August 13.
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