Resignation as Minister of Defence


TNP Nation

~The Ministry of Defense~

Hey everyone,

This term has been wonderful, and leading the NPA has been a delightful experience. However, I feel that I have struggled to carry out and complete my goals for this term as a result of a combination of IRL factors. I feel that my staying as Minister of Defence would be unproductive, and that the NPA can function better without me barring the position. As such, I will be resigning my position as Minister of Defence. I’m glad for the chance that @Robespierre has given me to lead the NPA, and I’m confident that whoever comes next will do an absolutely wonderful job. The NPA has a bright future with whoever takes the helm next. I’d like to say thank you to everyone for being awfully kind and supportive of my endeavours.

Until next time,
You’ve been an excellent Minister of Defense, Westinor. I am proud to have had you in my cabinet and serving as an executive officer under me.

Although I’m sad to see you go, know that you’ve been a great leader for the NPA and I understand why you feel the need to take a step back.

With that, I accept your resignation and will name my replacement later tonight. I wish you the best in RL and wherever it takes you
You have been a blast to see work, Westinor. You have ingenious ideas and copius tenacity that you bring to the table when you update and for the times we shared I enjoyed them greatly. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
ur an amazing person and an amazing r*ider and also amazing at defending and independenting. Good luck with ur real life stuff :( <3
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