Vivanco For Justice VI: Fiat justitia.


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TNP Nation


"Fiat justitia", let justice be done. That is the motto I have chosen for my campaign.
A campaign centered in the need of reform in the judicial system, as it has been made clear as water in the last few elections.
We are all aware of the problems of an inactive court, and the loss of saintpeter wasn't the first loss within the judicial branch of this region. Lest we forget, last year we had three special court elections, if my memory does not fail me.
When I was assigned as Justice, and Chief Justice at that, I made the promise that I would not resign nor be inactive in my time as justice. And I am a person of my words, and I stood until the very end of my term.

This year I have graduated from law school, and with summer here I have plenty of time to not only develop this, our court, but to help to fix whatever problems are found, and aid in what I can.

I served as Chief Justice before in this branch, and before I was the last Attorney General of this region, and I have been Hearing Officer in some cases.

I am currently writing and annalyzing the region's legal status for the former TNPU for it being more accessible and study-friendly.

I promise, as I always do and I am a person of my words, that under my time as Justice, if elected again, I will not be inactive, nor a Special Election will happen because of me.

All questions will be answered.