Comfed for Justice: Insert latin phrase here


TNP Nation
Hello, I am Comfed, and I am running for justice.

Judicial experience:
- Successfully defended Ihese in TNP v Ihese.

- I will not lose office
- I will not break my oath
- I will do good work
- I will uphold the Consti.. Conbill... Codo... Laws of TNP.
Great to see that you're running! :)

Now, what plans in the future do you have to improve the judiciary system of TNP?
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1. Let's say your goal is to transform the Court into a cesspit of conspiratorial slime sitting atop a minefield of segregated political alliances and treason without getting thrown out office before the term is up. How would you do it?

2. The Delegate appoints and the RA confirms the Speaker to prosecute the Vice Delegate for Election Fraud. However, the Speaker is later charged with Conspiracy regarding that alleged crime, while they are still prosecuting the VD. How would you and the Court best respond to this? Cite evidence from the Constibillicode.

3. Any changes to the Constibillicode you'd like to see? Doesn't have to be specifically related to the Court.
Yeah why not I’ll ask you too.

What did you think of the Court reversing its ruling on convicting MadJack two terms ago? Was this properly resolved? The Court this term tried to mitigate some of went wrong in that case by amending it’s procedures, have you had a chance to review that change? Do you think it would help prevent the shenanigans that happened in that case, or is something more substantial needed? Or do you feel it is what it is and no change needs to be made in response to that case’s outcome?