- TNP Nation
- Kileadan_Republic

The Kileadan Armed Forces have 6 STG Surface to Air Blisterbelt missile trucks currently for sale. The asking price is 6.5 million standard nation-states dollars (in your nation's currency) but prices can be negotiated. The missile system comes equipped with six STG missiles that can launch independently from each other. The missiles have a 150KM (93 miles) range and are self-guiding object tracking missiles. The missiles can easily be launched remotely from up to 5KM (3.1 miles) from the missile trucks or launched from a control panel located in a shielded area on the side of the truck. Please leave a comment down below if you wish to purchase any amount of these missile systems (1-6) and I will try and make the transaction complete as soon as I can.

The Kileadan Royal Artillery Corps. showing off the STG Surface to Air Blisterbelt missile truck.

An airborne Blisterbelt missile, using multiple fuel chambers it can travel far distances independently of
any guided controller.
The Kileadan Govement and all its assets does not claim any responsibility for the use
of these missiles after nations purchase them. If these missiles are used on civilian targets or are used
to violate international law in any way the nation who purchased the missile(s) is to blame and not Kilead.
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