Alsatian Island
- Pronouns
- he/his
- TNP Nation
- Alsatian Island

An Ledewald of Great Esþursia
The Republic of Great Esthursia
Fairness, our Rights and Truth
Fegerleik, Reght ond Suðeleik
National anthem: Freedom and Unity
Fegerleik, Reght ond Suðeleik
National anthem: Freedom and Unity
Esthursia (/ˈesθɜːsiə, ez-/ (listen) es-THUR-see-ə; Standard Atlish: Esþursia [esθɚ:siæ, esθə:æ]), officially the Union of Esthursia (Atlish: Þedewald ofþ Esþursia, abbr.: ET), is a country in west-central Ethia, on the Aurorias. It is bordered by Alveris to the north, the Weskermere to the east, Sorovia to the south-east, Scalvia to the south, and the Consence Ocean to the west. Esthursia is heavily forested, relatively mountainous, covers 687,244 square kilometres (265,346 sq mi), and has a population of 131.7 million (131,718,405 people as of 2019). Osynstrians, often colloquially referred to as the Atlish, constitute over 75% of the country's population, with Asthonic people making up another half of the remainder, and native Cumbric cultural groups the lion's share of the rest. Atlish, a West Gotic-derived language heavily influenced by Mercanti, is the official language. Esthursia is predominantly oceanic temperate in climate, although its northernmost regions - and mountain ranges like the South Downs or the Barrows - have subpolar or glacial climates. A mediterranean climate reaches to the southerly corners; Ezhonyth and the Isle of Merthing in the west, and the Bay of Yeaburn in the east. Weskerby, the capital of the country, is situated on the east coast with Weskermere in the east-centre of the nation; the other major city, Brantley, is situated in the inland north-east on the River Herent.
Esthursia has been long moulded by its location on Auroria facing the western world, and the cultures that have inhabited it over time. Its territory has been part of the Atwpsion, the Classical Empire, the Tardineanni Empire (primarily as the Viceroyalty of Assuran), and up until 2022 as the Royal Union. In 1656, the Esthursian nation began a 30-year revolution against imperial Tardineanni rule, eventually resulting in its independence; a second revolt resulted in the democratisation of the new state and thereafter its liberal democratic roots. After the Viceroyalty was dissolved in 1686, Esthursia annexed Cordane (often called the Furtherlands by native Esthurs) from its former coloniser in the 1750s. Esthursia went to war with Scalvia during the early-to-mid 1920s, resulting in civil and social unrest, and a resounding military failure against a country considerably less populated than itself; the subsequent decades, often referred to as the Asmont era after long-serving Forethane George Asmont, hosted socioeconomic equalisation and progress. The 1950s thereafter saw considerable turmoil, however following the transfer of power from nationalist leader Olafn Arbjern to liberal Edith Newell, the Overlaw was formalised and civil rights movements secured major progress.
Today, Esthursia is a liberal democracy, with its constitutional monarchy in transition from power; and has a high-income mixed economy ranking highly in the Human Development Index. The Gini coefficient rates its income inequality among the lowest in the world. It is a member of the International Economic Forum and the Union of Aurorian States.
Quotes by major Esthursian political leaders:
Leofric III (1114-1169): "Two men whisper into an overlord's ear; a man of emotion, and a man of action. Fail to listen to the man of emotion, and you will find yourself stranded in an overreach of your own making, or killed at the hand of an emotional assassin. Fail to listen to the man of action, and a foreign King or one of your lords will seize you, draw you and quarter you, or you will watch as your empire crumbles to those more willing to push. You must listen to both in balance, or you will die."
Eadgar X (1101-1176): "The High Empire is nothing without the willingness to drive its blades into the throats and hearts of its enemies without needless restraint."
Hereward the Wise (1144-1224): "No King, Emperor, Overlord or Chancellor alike may be allowed to inflict any one of two actions upon his countryman: to kill him, or to own him."
Llywellyn II, "the Last" (1640-1701): "I have restored the divine right of kings, and I will exercise it within what is of good reason."
Theobald IV (1771-1850): "You are the head of government, yes. My government."
Sigrid I (1785-1879): "This nation of Esthurs remains one of Esthurs, and by Esthurs, not by me or any individual Esthur; it is not the role of a monarch to guide, but follow, the path of their nation, not the nation of theirs."
Edward V (1868-1947): "Today, the people of this nation made me proud to call myself monarch, in standing in unison against those who seek, wreak and breathe terror."; "You attempt to live on the wages of those workers before you lambast them as radicals."
George Asmont (1892-1991): "I can promise you this: this country was ruined by its establishment, and I will dedicate every day of my government to tearing down every single structure that allowed them to manipulate wealth and power, and I will dedicate every hour to filling the loopholes and stripping away the inherited privilege enjoyed by the few at the expense of the many."
Tanja Olsen (1904-1994): "I will not let our guard down on the nation we have constructed from the ashes we were left a generation ago. I will drive hard the nation's collective dagger into the heart of fascism, and rip it in twain."
Edith Newell (1963-1969): "Never again."
William Greenwood (1919-1998): "Provision of public services does not have to be public, because this isn't a dictionary, but a country, Lord Speaker."
Martha Grantham (1929-2023): "Governments fall because they don't listen, they fail because they hurt selfishly, they weaken in times of crisis they self-inflict, and then they ask - Whatever went so wrong, we didn't do that?"
Arthur VI (1930-): "I will compromise with fascists, in one select way; they have the right to their life, the same as anyone else in this democratic society, because to a totalitarian, not arbitrarily controlling the process of life and death is just as painful as death. In every other way, my role in this society has the sole purpose of extinguishing you from, and thereafter denying you access to, every source of power, credibility or influence in this society of values."
Tharbjorn Einarsson (1939-): "Esthursia is not a socialist country. Esthursia is a liberal constitutional monarchy. I will make haste in restoring it to its roots."
Mark Willesden (1948-): "This nation is a partnership between the private and the public, and both sides must be held strong in order for us to prosper."
Isaac Harding (1957-): "We live in the most prosperous Esthursia that has ever been, because this is a country of opportunity, growth and innovation."
John Largan (1961-): "Prosperity is what we bring you, poverty is what they left you."
Harold Osborne (1970-): "What is freedom? Is a poor man in a neoliberal society is free to starve on the streets, free from the shackles of a safety net to stop him falling to malnutrition? Is a poor man in a neoliberal society free to choose between debt and death, free from the horror of universal healthcare? Is a poor man in a neoliberal society free to work for nothing, free from the agony of a living wage? Is a poor man in a neoliberal society free to choose to be homeless, to die in the cold, free from the burden of adequate public shelter? No, freedom only means something if it is enforced; welfare, healthcare, food, water, they're all human rights. A so-called democratic society whose government enforces freedom without enforcing these human rights is mere plutocracy, and there's far too many of those lurking around."
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