[Passed] Exceptions to Section 7.6 of the Legal Code


The MacMilitant
TNP Nation
Francois Isidore
In accordance with the powers vested in me as Delegate under Section 7.6 Clauses 33 & 34 of the Legal Code:

33. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.

34. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.

I hereby authorize exceptions to Clause 33 on the following three regions:


I hereby authorize exceptions to Clause 33 and Clause 34 on the following seven regions:

Confederacy of Layem
Guardia Imperial
New Western Atlantic
New Western Empire
The Commonwealth of Crowns
The Decreeist Commonwealth
Union Leroycumpadrista

Please feel free to ask questions relating to any of the above regions, but more specifically on clause 34 eceptions considering that they will soon require a simple majority vote in order to have my authorization stand.

Should more detailed information be required, either @Westinor, @St George, or I will be more than happy to answer them.
33. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
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Could we have a quick reasoning for each?

I can guess why for most of them, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.
Exceptions have always been announced in the Private Halls.
Additionally, also in accordance with the powers vested in me as Delegate under Section 7.6 Clause 33 of the Legal Code:

33. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.

I hereby authorize exceptions to Clause 33 on the following twelve regions:

Advanced Human Alliance
East Europe
Fascist Drinking Game
Fascist European Legislation
Priory of Sion
The Authoritarian Region
The Unitary State of Dolokhia
United Britain and Nicholas Empire
United Sovereign Dictatorial States

These are regions that all have the fascist tag applied to them on-site and many have embassies with other fascist regions and/or pro-fascist world factbook entries. More specifically, Memeland is a dominion of the recently-invaded region of Genua, East Europe is a territory of Genua, and Priory of Sion is listed as a protectorate of Genua.

As these are only Clause 33 exceptions, these will not require a majority vote of the Assembly. Even so, please feel free to ask any additional questions that you may have about the previous post full of exceptions.
Could we have a quick reasoning for each?

I can guess why for most of them, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.
Dogeland for the fascist tag,
Enadia for OOC reasons,
Kartokia being Slatos' current region,

Layem is Layem,
Guardia Imperial is a Farkas successor,
NWA and NWE (one is the successor to the other) for OOC reasons (harboring doxxers),
CoC for rather obvious reasons as well,
Decreeist Commonwealth Farkas successor 2.0,
Union Leroycumpadrista for being an incredibly fascist region
Dogeland just had the fascist tag. Is a clause 33 exemption really needed there? All we have to do is remove the tag, and clause 33 says nothing about region tags.
Upon further review, it appears as though the precedent set by past administrations in relation to how Section 7.6 exceptions have been authorized previously is flawed. It was an honest mistake, one I made in trying to follow past precedent, but it is also important to remember this is a new law and we have only recently begun to make use of it. That’s why I want to make sure that we take steps to correct it as soon as we recognize an error.

As mention previously, the current law does stipulate the public authorization of exceptions by the Delegate. The keyword here is "public," much like what @Praetor called attention to in his above post. Originally, by posting these authorizations in the Private Halls of the Regional Assembly, I believed my posting to have sufficed for what would constitute public authorization since that way of doing things had already been accepted when past Delegates were first acting on them.

In light of this, I've requested that this thread be moved to the Regional Assembly forum itself as opposed to it remaining in this subforum. That way, even non-citizens (along with guests/unregistered viewers) will be able to view such authorizations in a more public area. It's important to me that we apply this law correctly and that things are done right on the part of the executive. \

In the spirit of this, I'm more than happy to admit that my posting here was but the latest error in a series of false applications of this law. We now have an opportunity to do this correctly by recognizing this, so I thank those who have called attention to it.
I would not, at this time, recommend adding Force to the exemptions list.
In accordance with the powers vested in me as Delegate under Section 7.6 Clause 34 of the Legal Code:

34. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.

I hereby authorize an exception to Clause 34 on the following region:

Confederate Army

As this is a Clause 34 exception and not a Clause 33 exception, this will require an additional RA vote.
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In accordance with the powers vested in me as Delegate under Section 7.6 Clauses 33 & 34 of the Legal Code:

33. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.

34. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from causing permanent harm to the region, including forcibly remove natives or refounding the region. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies, subject to the approval of the Regional Assembly by a majority vote or pursuant to a declaration of war.

I hereby authorize an exception to Clause 33 and Clause 34 on the following region:

The One System

This is a fascist region who’s founder recently CTEd. As per this thread, the North Pacific Army is currently deployed there as part of our anti-fascist efforts