Arthur Somerset
Foreign Update April 2021
Parliament Keeps Busy
Parliament Keeps Busy

Throughout the 48th Imperial Parliament, both the House of Commons and House of Lords have kept busy with various topics of legislation. The House of Commons tabled the Criminal Law Omnibus, a beast of a proposal and a noble attempt to clean up our Criminal Law procedures in a chunk of proposals, as well as the Incorporated Municipalities Act, a proposal intended to allow for citizens to create their own “groupings” of estates and businesses similar to that of a devolved nation feel with their own legislature, municipality requirements, etc. The House of Commons also passed a few different proposals to the Lords intended to clean up language and provide clarity to various laws within the region. The House of Lords in turn passed these items and they have since become law. The House of Lords also took upon beginning the discussions on the topic of the Law Lords, of which after debate and amendments was sent to the House of Commons. This version of the Law Lords would lead to the Judiciary becoming part of the Appointed Legislative Branch, subject to certain checks and balances to ensure balance and fairness in the court system. The House of Commons unfortunately rejected the proposal by a single vote, enjoying the idea of Law Lords but concerned about the execution as well as noting that other things may need to come first. The Lords are currently debating their original proposal again with intentions to compromise with the concerns laid out by the House of Commons. With an initiative as structurally changing as it would become, one can hope this term’s Parliament can reach a common ground before dissolution approaches.
Government Events and More to Come

Throughout the term, the Government had strove to be more engaging with their allies and friends across other regions. This has resulted in a few different approaches to celebrating regional holidays and the infamous April Fool’s being discord based and inclusive to the non-citizens. The Home Office created an integration system for non-citizen residents of the region to encourage them to become more involved. With this and the recent influx of manual recruitment making strives, the region continues to keep a steady count of 230-250 nations on average with roughly 40+ citizens on average.
Onto more fun topics, the Kingdom of Great Britain will be enjoying events with Wintreath and The East Pacific including Among Us, competitions, and other fun interregional events intended for us to become closer to both of these regions respectively. An Ascot is also rumored to take place soon to bring hype for the upcoming election season. The Prime Minister has indicated he is pleased so far with what his Government has been doing and hopes to see more participation in the end of term festivities to wrap up his stint as the Prime Minister.
The End of an Era

The World Roleplay taking place in the regional Discord was started in August 2018 and ran until April 2021. Throughout the life of the roleplay, it went through its ups and downs of both activity and administration. This roleplay began the topics of various questions and made numerous regional firsts. The roleplay brought in several citizens who started as simply visitors to our discord server, created fun dramas and popcorn moments, numerous memes, and so much more. It also brought forth the discussion on who should be “regulating” what roleplays get created within the region, it has gone through iterations of direct Government Control, Indirect Government Control, committees, etc. Ultimately, the best way for our region to “regulate” without too much bureaucracy has been to revert it to a committee of citizens chosen by the Prime Minister who approve roleplay creation requests, so that they may be advertised in the region, and allowing citizens who create these roleplays to run them how they see fit.
The World Roleplay had roughly 25 different nations in total involved within this world with some citizens rebranding, others creating a new nation after returning from a break, and the administrators of the rp creating NPC states to interact with the players.
Xavier Lee-Ross has been a pivotal member of this Roleplay by creating and improving upon the regional map since the beginning.
Artimedias Westfalen-Kensington has also been a pivotal member of this Roleplay for constantly advocating for leadership to be better at allowing the runnings of the roleplay more autonomy, implementing various “updates” such as improved war systems, improved resource systems, etc. and of course creating a bot which used a dice system and allowed for results to be determined for players who are battling to prevent infighting of what is and is not fair.
This roleplay has done a lot and each player who contributed put in their good work. While we are sad to see this chapter close, we are glad to have had it last as long as it did. It is currently the longest ran roleplay within the Kingdom of Great Britain, ever.
Unrest in Gibraltar
(SPOILER: This is purely a roleplay article, this is not a reflection of the current state of the region.)
Following the passage of the “Spanish Lands Act” in the Assembly of Gibraltar, rumors of unrest within the now Kingdom of Spain have not gone unnoticed. Gibraltar continues its efforts to peacefully and forcefully bring Spain under its umbrella of protection within the Kingdom. The Prince of Wales, Captain General, and Prime Minister met at Waddesdon Manor for friendly discussions, as they are also known as the Trio of Trouble. This Trio however has also been known for allegedly being behind the unrest which took place in France not too long ago. The Media speculated that their meeting took place to discuss the upcoming war with Spain, which has not been disclosed and the BBC intends to remain vigilant in indicating that is it “just a rumor”, however with the lack of presence of the Prince of Wales at various Royal Meetings over the last few weeks, perhaps a war is imminent, and perhaps it is a war that not even His Majesty the King can prevent. Do we smell a coup?(SPOILER: This is purely a roleplay article, this is not a reflection of the current state of the region.)

That does it for this month’s update! Thank you for reading!