[GA - PASSED] Citizenship and Birth Act

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Citizenship and Birth Act
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Significant
Proposed by: South St Maarten | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Affirming that all children should be granted the privilege of citizenship in a nation at birth,

Further Affirming that children, at birth, should not be deemed stateless due to the location of their birth,

Understanding that the location and time at which the birth of a child occurs occurs is natural and unpredictable,

Realizing that children are intermittently born in a nation that their parents are neither citizens nor residents of, or in which they are residents but not citizens,

Concerned that no legislation currently exists regarding the citizenship of such children,

Dismayed that, while this body has already acted to prevent member states from arbitrarily making their citizens stateless through GA#386 "Reducing Statelessness", it has never legislated to protect the citizenships of children who would otherwise be born stateless in the first place, and

Concluding that this oversight must be addressed in the form of international legislation, hereby enacts as follows:

In this resolution,
    1. Jus sanguinis refers to a nationality law in which citizenship is determined by the citizenship of the biological parent(s).

    2. Age of majority shall be defined as an age, set by each individual member nation, where a child takes on the full responsibilities of adulthood and furthermore assumes legal control over their actions and decisions.

  1. In such cases where an individual would otherwise be stateless, in following jus sanguinis, all children of citizens of member nations shall be granted citizenship in all nations in which their parent(s) are citizens, regardless of their location of birth.

  2. Nations with laws that prohibit citizenships other than their own being held by any of their citizens must not enforce such laws against these citizens until they reach the age of majority.

  3. All children shall receive their citizenship(s) at birth and must retain them in perpetuity, unless they are revoked in accordance with procedures outlined in national or international law, voluntarily renounced, or terminated in accordance with Article 5.

  4. If one of the multiple citizenships of a person has been passed down more than three generations without any of those generations living in that nation, the relevant nation may terminate that person's citizenship when they reach the age of majority.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]10[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]

"Citizenship and Birth Act" has passed 12,609 (84.8%) to 2,266 (15.2%).
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This proposal has two goals: to reduce statelessness and to define citizenship laws for minors. To achieve this goal, the author first defines the legal terms of jus sanguinis and age of majority. Afterwards, this proposal grants birthright citizenship to the children of a nation’s citizens before then working towards further citizenship regulations for minors by placing limits on a state’s ability to revoke the citizenship of current citizens except for in narrowly defined cases.

The goals of reducing statelessness and shoring up citizenship laws for minors are both admirable ones. This proposal achieves both in a sensible manner which ensures that both goals are achieved readily and easily in an easy to follow and more than adequate way.

For those reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the General Assembly Resolution at vote, “Citizenship and Birth Act”.
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I'm absolutely fine with this as currently written. I'm not really seeing anything that could get me to oppose this-it's well written and the policies involved make logical sense. For.
I like this, it's well written and if even Boston Castle votes for it means it's a worthy proposal. For.
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I like this, it's well written and if even Boston Castle votes for it means it's a worthy proposal. For.
I'm sure I've supported plenty of slop, but as a Deputy Minister I just don't like going to bat for most things. Thanks for the compliment though.^_^
This proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Unless it is marked illegal or withdrawn by then, this proposal will go to a vote at Monday's Major Update.
Against: Redundant legislation.
No comrade, loyal or otherwise shall be granted citizenship until they reach the Vexilian age of Majority & after certification of the Comrades' Loyalty Examination.
Minors are already granted care and protection by The State under the Future Comrade's Act of 2017.
Those who are in the age of Majority are granted Residency Status until they pass the Examination.
For, I am a supporter of jus soli complemented by, and not merely jus sanguinis.

Article 5 is actually one of the more liberal positions for dual citizenships.
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I'm absolutely fine with this as currently written. I'm not really seeing anything that could get me to oppose this-it's well written and the policies involved make logical sense. For.
It might be simpler to draft it based on the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, which it effectively already kind of is. Still a For.
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