Drakonism Worldbuilding Thread


TNP RP's Resident Fluffball of Cringe
TNP Nation
OOC Note: Hello! This thread shall serve as the purpose of worldbuilding the religion of Drakonism - its legends, myths, ceremonies & rituals, beasts and creatures, etc. I hope you all enjoy it!
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In the beginning, there was only the Efir, the great silence and the forever darkness. There was no sound. There was no sight. There was nothing to feel, nothing to taste, nothing to smell...

Then, suddenly, a spring erupted from nowhere, and from it flowed fourteen rivers and the rivers flowed in every direction. The Rivers' names are Thar, Fur, Tarr, Fiy, Nel, Yar, Mar, Tyr, Bol, Viliy, Ve, Byol, Yava, and Thal.

From the Thar and the Fur there arose a great storm cloud whose rain fell upwards instead of down. The rain birthed the great sea world of Gori, the forever horizon.

From the Tarr and Fiy, a great fog of poison. This poison mist transformed itself into a land known as Yad, where the air can not be breathed, the water can not be drunk, and the animals and plants can not be eaten.

The Nel was a river of water, but the Yar was a river of dirt and clay and sand and muddy sludge. They flowed into each other and gave birth to Eras, the realm of mortal men, creating the world's great lands and mighty seas.

The Mar and the Tyr were rivers of molt and flame and burning air. They were rivers not of water, but of fire. They mixed and gave birth to the lands of Ad where there is only burning heat.

The Bol and the Viliy were not rivers of any liquid. They are rivers of black mist, death itself, and they flow together at the bottom of the universe to create the realm of Bezdna. The great abyss of the lowly dead - the shamed and the forgotten. It is a world where no light shines and no feeling can be felt; a world of dark nothingness save the black rocks and the two rivers of death - Bol and Viliy.

The Ve and the Byol, however, went the opposite way. They flowed to the top of the Efir and were rivers of light, gold, and powerful magic. When they mixed, the world of Nebesa was created. Nebesa is a world much like Eras - one of land and sea and lake - but far more perfect and fantastical. Here is a world wherein no one becomes tired or thirsty or hungry. Here is a world wherein the animals are wise and the plants are never poisonous.

Finally, the Yava and the Thal were rivers of ice and snow and water so cold that men would turn to ice crystals should they touch it. When they mixed, the world of Leg was born - one of endless fields of snow and towering peaks of ice.

The Seven Worlds were thus born, and from the spring grew forth a great tree - Soyedin - which connected all the worlds save Bezdna. The first living creatures - the Smotries - who water Soyedin's roots and stand guard over the spring.

The universe was thus born.
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The next living creatures to emerge were the Vysokiyes - great towering giants. Wise. Powerful. Greedy. They ruled the Seven Worlds and were the masters of the Soyedin.

The Vysokiyes went to war with the Smotries for control over the spring at the base of the Soyedin Tree, for whoever drinks from the spring shall have wisdom and power beyond compare. To ward off the Vysokiyes, the Smotries combined their powers to create the Krylatyye - the first generation of Dragons - as their servants and warriors.

The Krylatyye and the Vysokiyes fought a great war. The first, greatest, and longest of all wars. In this war, all but three Vysokiyes were killed; only Voluspa, Predusmiyye, and Zapozdiyye were spared and made slaves of the Krylatyye Dragons. The three Vysokiye survivors were the mightiest forgers and crafters of what had been their race.

By far, the mightiest of the Krylatyye Dragons was Mer. She was wise and powerful. She led her fellow Dragons in their ultimate victory against the Vysokiyes. By her side were her two brothers, Khra and Goratyyr. Khra was by far the most physically powerful of all the Dragons who had slain many Vysokiyes, and Goratyyr was a master of war strategy and one of the wisest Dragons there was. There was also Mer’s lover, Yaliya, who had mastered the magic of the waters and sent the seas of all the worlds against the Vysokiyes in her great rage.

The Smotries were pleased with the victory won by Mer and her companions. But the Dragons were secretly bitter about their service. For all the wisdom of the Smotries, they had not made the Krylatyyes to be truly obedient. So Mer gathered her fellow Dragons and attacked their masters.

The Dragon Rebellion lasted a thousand years. Mer and the Dragons almost lost, but convinced the last three Vysokiyes to craft for them a great and powerful weapon. When the weapon was completed, the Dragons set it against their former masters and the Smotries were defeated and destroyed. The Krylatyyes took upon themselves the role held by the Smotries - safeguarding the spring and watching over the Soyedin Tree.

Mer became the ultimate ruler of the worlds. The Queen of the Dragon Gods. The Dragon Age had begun.