- TNP Nation
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- Freg#0420

Opening Address
Hello everyone!
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank @BMWSurfer for his contributions as minister, and for seeing through the completion of The North Star and the establishment of Polaris. I believe that this is a change that would be crucial to the ministry as a whole, allowing us to have more flexibility with regards to the publication of articles and pave the way to allow the ministry to push our articles in a more timely manner.
For the people who may not be familiar with me, I have been slipping in and out of NS for almost 4 years now, but I have only been active in the government over the past one and a half years. People may know me as the Deputy Minister of WA Affairs, a role which I have been in for quite some time now, but one other aspect that few may know about is my involvement in NS Forums RPing, particularly the Sports subforum. But that is a story for another time.
Looking forward, I intend to ensure that the goals set out at the start of the term are met. We are in the final stages with regards to the publication of the TNL issue on the Cards Symposium, and hopefully we will be able to get it out before the end of the Easter weekend. The TNL issue on Regional Development, done in collaboration with the Foreign Affairs, will likely be the key focus of the month. Apart from that, we will also (hopefully) publish some of the Polaris articles that are currently in the works.
I would also like to take this time to encourage residents and citizens alike to propose ideas for Polaris articles here. These suggestion may range from interviews with a particular government official, to a particular news and regional happenings which you may be interested in. If you do have a love for writing articles, then I do invite you to join the ministry, and we will definitely welcome you with open arms

Looking forward to a wonderful term ahead!
- Fregerson
Minister of Communications