
Embassy of The Republic of The League
Office of the Consulate and Department of Foreign Affairs
The League is a user-created-region founded by Adawn and Quebecshire in April 2016. Quebecshire is the sole remaining founder, and today the region is governed by two principle institutions, the Consulate of the Republic and the Council of the Republic, and their subordinate institutions. This forum thread serves as The League's primary diplomatic outlet to The North Pacific since March 7th, 2021, when the two regions officially opened relations.
This embassy will host all relevant updates from The League regarding diplomacy, military affairs, and et cetera. This embassy is currently managed by Paleocacher on behalf of the Office of the Consulate in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs. For imminent inquiries, contact Chief Consul Terranihil or Director of Foreign Affairs Creeperopolis.
The League recognizes Korean-Joseon as the official diplomat of The North Pacific to The League.
Major Listed Offices:
- Legislature: Council of the Republic
- Director of Foreign Affairs and World Assembly Delegate: Creeperopolis
- General of the Defense Forces: New Makasta
For information and those who can represent the government of The League abroad, consult this dispatch on the Representatives of the Republic.
Links may be added or removed at Paleocacher's discretion.
This post may be edited at Paleocacher's discretion and further general embassy updates will be posted in this thread below.
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