[SC - PASSED] Commend Roavin

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend Roavin
Category: Commendation | Target: Roavin
Proposed by: Vippertooth33, Co-Authored by: Praeceps | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Recognising the selflessness of Roavin as a resolute protector and public servant to regions across the NationStates community,

Celebrating Roavin’s contributions to the just and noble cause of defending during their service as First Warden of the defender region The Order of the Grey Wardens, where over the course of a year they:
  1. Tripled membership of the Wardens, ensuring more regions were able to be protected,
  2. Led the creation of the Guardian program, empowering less active defending nations to contribute to operations through focusing on detag and piling, providing a basis for future success,
  3. Created an advanced registry of nations in regions which could be mobilized in the event a defence was required,
Applauding Roavin’s work as a mentor for well known and respected defenders including the current WA Secretary-General and commended nation Kuriko, as well as Nakari, Merlin, Aumeltopia, Phoenix, Omega, and Pyrohy,

Astounded by Roavin’s sheer determination to protect innocent regions completing well over 1600 defenses and liberations, most notably:
  1. Leading a liberating force of 49 nations against an occupation of Japan in 2017,
  2. Liberating the Philippines just in time to save the Christmas holidays,
  3. Besting an active raiding force of 25 nations to help defend Portugal,
Acknowledging Roavin’s strategic and technological abilities, which have enabled thousands of defensive victories in raided regions, including but not limited to:
  1. Developing a technique in 2017 that allowed greater accuracy whilst defending regions, in spite of usual limitations such as size or proximity to large regions that would otherwise make some regions hard to defend,
  2. Establishing strategies to ensure that the endorsements of a large liberating force are placed in an accurate and timely manner,
  3. Training organisations in the attrition run technique to dislodge raiders with large influence levels,
  4. The creation of the “Hunter Prime Operations Technology” in 2016; increasing organisation and operational security for defender communication channels,
Impressed by Roavin’s significant contributions to The South Pacific (TSP) over several years in a variety of areas which have made TSP more secure; including:
  1. Serving as the Prime Minister of the region for five terms, where they emphasized Cabinet forum discussions over instant communication media, improving record keeping and quality of discussion, introduced initiatives aimed at increasing transparency and addressed communication issues between the Ministry of Regional Affairs and the Assembly,
  2. Serving as interim Minister of Foreign Affairs for TSP during an attempted coup of The East Pacific, coordinating TSP’s response which included mobilizing TSP’s military and their citizens’ militia as well as disseminating progress updates to TSP citizens,
  3. Authoring “Commend Tsunamy”, a Security Council Resolution that recognised a nation for their contributions to the stability of TSP,
  4. Being notably involved in improvements to TSP’s legislation through collaboration in creating premises, writing legislation, or lobbying for the passage of legislation such as:
    1. Comprehensive judicial reform to simplify the judicial system, eliminate loopholes, and transform the court into a non-adversarial system,
    2. Rewriting the transparency laws to ensure it applies to the Court as well as the Executive, requiring thorough documentation, and permitting auditing,
    3. Empowering the Council of Regional Security to utilize border control,
    4. Creating the Legislator Committee which streamlined the bureaucratic system in which new representatives are acclimated to the legislature.
Noting that the Curious Observations made by Roavin on the state of Lazarus in July 2017 were right, and that they exposed corruption and subterfuge within the region,

Extolling the dedicated service of Roavin in the noble struggle to prevent the advance of the Nazi/Fascist menace, as evidenced by them:
  1. Uniting multiple major regions with varying ideologies to fight Nazis/Fascists through founding the organization Ruining Nazi Sandcastles,
  2. Supporting liberating the regions The Red States and The Empire of Lights from Nazi/Fascist control through serving as a border control officer and planning the operations,
  3. Providing logistics support in the Union Of The Fascist Nations operation, a region just short of 700 Fascist nations at its peak,
  4. Coordinating, planning, strategising the raids against Nazi Imperialist Japan and Elite Region Of Global Command, and securing the demise of these hateful regions,
Believing Roavin’s contributions have made an immense positive impact on the international community, hereby,

Commends Roavin.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]16[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

Commend Roavin was passed 11,982 votes (83.2%) to 2,413 (16.8%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Roavin, a nation famous for their contributions to the defending cause and to the regional government of The South Pacific. In order to bolster the case for a commendation, this proposal cites their service as a participant in prominent defences and their leadership as part of the Order of the Grey Wardens. Further, this proposal also cites the technological innovations created by Roavin. This proposal also focuses on Roavin’s political leadership in The South Pacific and its community while also mentioning their contributions to the anti-fascist cause.

A key figure in both the South Pacific and the defending community, Roavin is undoubtedly a commendable nominee. From touching on their accomplishments in the development of key tech that has changed the R/D landscape to their monumental presence in the development of the South Pacific, this proposal makes clear the argument for commendation, and does so well.
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As of 10:22 PM EST, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. It will take the floor for voting approximately 98 minutes from now at Major Update.
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