Caer Sidi Embassy Request

Loller Corleone

Name of your region: Caer Sidi
Link to your region's forums and/or Discord: Forum: | Discord:
Head of Government: Icarus Kingsmoreaux Corleone
Head of State: Aynia Moreaux
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or equivalent): Me
Short description of your region: We are growing community of inspired lore crafters, legislators, role players, and game players. Our focus is to build a home for those who need one and to build a relaxed but engaging region. Our region has a space for those interested in any sphere of NS such as legislation, politics, roleplay, military gameplay etc. Caer Sidi is a Constitutional Monarchy. Our Taoiseach, the Head of Government, is elected democratically every two months. We also have an independent military, The Autumnal Court, that is unaligned is open to both spheres of R/D. This is everything that came to my head while posting this, if there are any further questions about CS, I would be happy to answer them.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: Caer Sidi Broadcasting Service publishes its issue every two months. The next one will be released in a day or two. There are plans to make it monthly though.. so yes.