10 January 2021 [w]:
McMasterdonia and I entered the term with already strong endorsement levels. Dreadton sent out numerous endorsement alerts for me at the tail end of the term, which certainly helped. Tlomz especially, along with Dreadton, began losing endorsements at this point due in part to a planned reduction in endotarting.
11 January 2020: Endorsement alert telegram and dispatch sent out for McM; dispatch heavily promoted and upvoted. McM personally telegrammed the 89 Keepers not endorsing him.
12 January 2020: Endorsement alert telegram and dispatch sent out for myself. Advertisement TGs sent to non-WAs and non-Keepers.
14 January 2021:
Due partly to endorsement alerts and a general WA advertisement, McM and I experienced an increase in our endorsement levels to 964 and 929 respectively. McM moved up to position 14. Endorsement dispatch for me posted later that day, with a telegram for McM.
15 January 2020: The Ministry of Home Affairs starts running a telegram list for nations not endorsing either McM or myself, asking them to endorse us both.
16 January 2020: Endorsement alert dispatch for McM and a telegram for me.
17 January 2020: Endorsement alert dispatch for me and a telegram for McM.
18 January 2020 [w]:
Substantial endorsement increases across the board, with McM and I gaining 84 and 31 endorsements respectively over the previous week. I rose to position 12 at 973 endorsements, with McM being at position 13 at 969 endorsements. Growing SC numbers across the board combined with Tlomz's shrinking endorsement count led us to keep a closer eye on potential unplanned delegacy changes. Indeed, Sundred briefly overtook Tlomz for position 1 later that day. Given the closeness of McM's endorsement count with Tlomz's, we decided to temporarily depress the SC's endorsement counts by asking the SC to unendorse all SCers other than myself, and the executive staff to unendorse Sundred and Pallaith. The NPA was also asked to support the transition between operations.
20 January 2021:
After the executive staff unendorsement request and another dispatch-telegram pair for McM, his nation shot up to 992 endorsements and position 7 over two days (only 38 away from the delegacy). My nation moved to position 10 at 982 endorsements. Later on, I sent out an alert pair for myself.