Week 4
As mentioned before, the regular reports to the regions on major foreign affairs has begun. Thanks to
@Peeps for taking the lead on this. Additionally, we have begun the first distribution (TNS), my thanks go to
@Sanjurika for taking the lead on this. As I also mentioned earlier, given the focus on making new changes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these items will not be mentioned in updates subsequently. I did want to take a moment to acknowledge the good work the two of them have been doing.
We opened up an embassy with Caer Sidi. Moving forward, I do not expect to announce embassy formations here but wanted to note that I would not be noting such.
Unfortunately, the first report on the FA Committee has not been put out yet. The draft is finished and has been presented to the FA Leadership to provide feedback prior to being published. At least it should be out this week.
I have created and made some small revisions to modernize the
Embassy Requests form (permitting a Discord instead of a forum, requiring specifically frequent updates).
I have created a thread for Ambassadors to provide recommendations for regions with which to open relations with. This will help to both get members of the Ministry more involved and help find regions that would be suitable for diplomatic relations.
I removed the Letter of Credences the Ministry provided for Ambassadors to give to their region. They were outdated for a modern Ministry and were a waste of time to create.
While I would not have mentioned it publicly given the RA is privately discussing it, given that TEP's legislature makes public mention of it, we have been working on the Inter-Regional Chat and it has been presented to the RA.