Minister of Foreign Affairs Weekly Updates

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Week 1

The term has been off to a strong start. In this first week, my focus was to set up the Ministry for the rest of the term and set the tone of a Ministry which will be creating positive change.

I have appointed a number of Deputies to assist me in my duties. Koala will be overseeing the distributions this term. Kastonvia will be in charge of the World Factbook Project. Peeps will be in charge of briefings. Whatermelons will be in charge of Ambassador staffing. They will all gain experience in the different areas.

I started a conversation with the Ambassador Corps on the Embassy Review. The discussion went quite well with a number of ambassadors being engaged on which regions we should close down embassies with. I will shortly present this to the Delegate for their approval on what actions to take based on my recommendation from the discussion the Ministry had. I anticipate that by the end of Week 2 we should have this campaign promise completed.

I have started discussions casually in the Executive Staff Discord and have encouraged others to do the same. I investigate systems that can be input to spark further debate and discussion among the members of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Moving forward, my priorities will be to review the UCR Outreach Program and the Foreign Affairs Committee and provide updates to the region on those initiatives. My personal preference for big projects tend to be working on one at a time and finishing it quickly before moving on to another. I should be able to provide a more concrete estimate of where we are at with the reviews next week if they are not finished by then (I do not expect they will be). Additionally, we will be appointing a new bunch of Ambassadors to fill out the current vacancies we have and from those who did not respond to the Roll Call.

As always, my DMs remain open for any questions, comments, or concerns.
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Week 2

My apologies for being late with this report, certainly not how I like to start off the term. This week has been quite busy with me reaching out to various stakeholders in order to deal with the unfortunate issue we have with TSP. While I was cognizant that there would inevitably that would be some international matter which would distract me from internal changes, I certainly did not anticipate it so soon.

I collaborated in the later days of the week with the Cabinet to put out this statement earlier today (please read and upvote if you have not already done so).

The Embassy Review has been completed. A number of embassies were closed both in-game and on the forums. Additionally, we reached out to a number of regions in hopes of rejuvenating our relationships with them.

Unfortunately, little progress has been made on the reviews of the previous projects. I hope to be able to work on this over this week although I recognize that there is most likely further discussion that will be needed as a result of the statement listed earlier.
Week 3

As a note, I do not plan to go into the smaller and regular details of the Ministry here (eg. who was accepted into the Ministry, removed, appointed to regions, etc.) but instead focus on the major changes which should be made and are being made.

While I was busy this week with the aftermath of our prior statement, I have been able to make progress on two items. First, is the regular reports to the region on interregional affairs. This first report should be produced tomorrow. Subsequently to the reports being made, I will not mention them further in these updates barring any changes.

Lastly, I have been able to make progress on the FA Committee Report which was implemented last term. I hope to have this report out by the end of the work week.
Week 4

As mentioned before, the regular reports to the regions on major foreign affairs has begun. Thanks to @Peeps for taking the lead on this. Additionally, we have begun the first distribution (TNS), my thanks go to @Sanjurika for taking the lead on this. As I also mentioned earlier, given the focus on making new changes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, these items will not be mentioned in updates subsequently. I did want to take a moment to acknowledge the good work the two of them have been doing.

We opened up an embassy with Caer Sidi. Moving forward, I do not expect to announce embassy formations here but wanted to note that I would not be noting such.

Unfortunately, the first report on the FA Committee has not been put out yet. The draft is finished and has been presented to the FA Leadership to provide feedback prior to being published. At least it should be out this week. :P

I have created and made some small revisions to modernize the Embassy Requests form (permitting a Discord instead of a forum, requiring specifically frequent updates).

I have created a thread for Ambassadors to provide recommendations for regions with which to open relations with. This will help to both get members of the Ministry more involved and help find regions that would be suitable for diplomatic relations.

I removed the Letter of Credences the Ministry provided for Ambassadors to give to their region. They were outdated for a modern Ministry and were a waste of time to create.

While I would not have mentioned it publicly given the RA is privately discussing it, given that TEP's legislature makes public mention of it, we have been working on the Inter-Regional Chat and it has been presented to the RA.
Week 5

The Report on the FA Committee was published. I have been working on the UCR Program Report, I hope to get that out this week as well.

The next major change that I am looking at making is a Diplomatic Training Manual for the Ambassador Corps, it contains information on how TNP makes our foreign policy, what our foreign policy is, how we can affect foreign policy, etc. This was a project that I began back in 2016 but I never finished it during my term. It is currently 22k characters long. It will need to be updated as some parts are now out of date and finished. I am hoping to get it finished sometime before March (realistically, it will most likely go longer but the goal is March).
Week 6

A bit late this week, my apologies. The report on the UCR Outreach Program is waiting for more information that is not on the Executive Discord server but in private DMs. Once I have that information, it should be published quickly.

In addition to the Diplomatic Training Manual, I am also going to be reworking how reports are made by Ambassadors to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, instead of one thread for all reports, there will be a thread for each region.

Lastly, I should have an announcement about a new partnership TNP has up within the next couple of days.
Week 7

I continue to wait for information that is not accessible to me for the UCR Outreach Program.

We created a new partnership with the URA to establish a forum embassy for them, this is notable due to the URA being a collection of regions. We also reached out to AA which is a collection of regions for an embassy with them.

I want to provide clear updates on what has happened so to understand the progress being made. The Diplomatic Training Manual currently has 10 "chapters" planned for it. Currently approximately 5.5 chapters are completed. I aim to have that to 7 by the end of next week.
Week 8

I have not been given the requisite information needed for the UCR Outreach Program. I will be posting the report soon this week without that information as a result.

The progress on the Diplomatic Training Manual continues and has been positive. It is a large project, I do not want to end up in a scenario where it does not end up being finished this term so I will be providing deliverables to the Diplomatic Corps where possible. This will be in the form of posting the "chapters" as they occur instead of waiting for the entire manual to be completed. As such, even in the event of the project not being finished/something happening, what is finished will remain utilized.
Week 9

I have been rather busy so my apologies for being rather late in getting this out. In the previous week, I was able to get the UCR Outreach Program out. We are now done with the reports that needed to be done. :D

On the Diplomatic Training Manual, my Deputies are reviewing the first two chapters prior to them being published. I hope to have them published later this week.
Week 11

I've been quite busy (and thus failed to produce a report for last week). I have been busy both internally and externally. Externally with foreign affairs issues and getting the IRC set up—I am pleased that it is moving together quite well and quickly.

Internally, I have had the Senior Diplomats review the first two Chapters of the Diplomat Training Manual. My Deputies are reviewing Chapter 3 and 4 right now. I hope to have all four Chapters published this week. This is a total of 9.5 pages of content currently.
Week 12

The first four Chapters have been able to be reviewed by Senior Diplomats. However, I have unfortunately made little progress on the next chapters this week as I have been preoccupied with other external FA matters—fortunately, those matters are going well. IRC is almost up and running which is excellent.
Week 13

As most of you will have noticed, the IRC is now up and running.

In terms of the DTM, while there are no more chapters finished as of yet, I am currently halfway through Chapter 5. I will note that Chapters get progressively longer as there is more material contained later on.
Week 14

I have finished Chapter 5 of the DTM and my DMs are looking it over before it moves to the SDs. Chapter 6 is currently about halfway done. There are a total of 9 Chapters. It will most likely be a bit of a crunch towards the end but I am to have it completed by the end of this term.
Let's bring this back shall we? Though it's a monthly update, I guess too.

Week... let's say 15

Oath was taken, deputies were appointed, and we started a role call to see who was about - empty ambassadorial posts were filled and the outstanding applications to join the ministry were responded.

I took the time to introduce (or reintroduce) myself to our partner regions, as well as other important regions in NS and held meetings on a variety of topics with a variety of people (more of that to come).

We ensured that our statement on the Invasion of Genua was widely released and this week I engaged in discussions with the United Regions Alliance - and through them TWP and the NPO - and we released a joint statement on actions by Force.

I will be meeting again with many of our partners over the coming weeks.
Slightly late on this one - I blame @Sir Kasto - but here's one for Week 16:

More ambassadors were appointed and we began the process of updating the World Factbook Project, a key goal of @Robespierre this term.

Discussions with a TNP ally on a key topic began in earnest this week, and we hope to have further updates on this soon.

Our allies Europeia are hosting EuroPride and I am pleased to see LGBTQ TNPers involved over there.

We continue to look for potential partner regions to co-operate on a number of issues, and build mutual ties with.
Weeks 17 & 18:

Previously mentioned discussions with an TNP ally ended with an agreement closing an incident from earlier this year - we were very pleased with how this went.

Ambassadors were announced for a few regions and the WFP continues to be updated.

The Ministry has begun a process to open discussions with another region on expanding relations. I expect to also do this with a couple more regions in July.
Weeks 19&20:

Efforts to update the world factbook continue, my thanks especially to Kasto in this regard.

Previously announced talks continue, though are slow going. We will be reaching out to a few RP-related regions with a view to establishing some friendly relations this month.

We have begun a working group to update a major international agreement, and have begun sounding out potential partners in this endeavour.

We continue to fill empty ambassadorial slots and we also welcomed Owen back to the ministry as a Deputy Minister. He returns after a successful period as NSUK's Prime Minister.

Late edit: We met and had a productive conversation with The Black Hawks as part of what we understood to be their annual check-in with partners and friends.
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Apologies for missing out on some of these - this is reports for the month of July:

We are close to presenting to the region a new treaty, somewhere in between what we have with Stargate and what we have with Greater Dienstad. This treaty is the result of talks not previously announced, but which have developed in the last few weeks.

The previously announced talks with another region continue, and have now begun in earnest with a serious proposal to expand relations. This would replace the current agreement we have in place.

Further, we shifted around and appointed new ambassadors to fill out some vacancies that arose, including one that occurred after I removed a player from the ministry. For further details, contact me on discord.

All in all, we had a productive July despite the worst summer lull I have seen in my near decade on NS.
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