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Opening Statement & Executive Council Appointments
Citizens and Residents of The North Pacific,
The people have spoken and they have been heard. I thank you all who have voted and participated in our great democracy. As I have said before, decisions are made by those who show up. Whoever you voted for, know that I will always work as hard as I can to make our community the best it can be.
I am honoured to be elected as your Delegate once again. I am committed to working extremely hard every day in recognition of the faith that you have placed in me.
I believe in a strong executive government. My executive council has always been a consultative one. I believe in appointing people who will enthusiastically participate with me as partners in government, providing their honest feedback and input into decisions and policies even beyond their defined portfolios. That is the approach I have always taken. With this in mind, I have selected a team that I believe are the best group of individuals to deliver upon my promises to all residents of The North Pacific. My team will work tirelessly to restore activity, morale and prestige to our regional community.
My Chief of Staff will be @Oracle. Oracle and I have worked together over a long period of time. I have faith that Oracle has the commitment, skills and ability to assist me in running the administrative side of the Executive Government. Oracle has already prepared an extensive plan for the rejuvenation of the Executive Server which will be rolled out in the next couple of days. I also announce that @Rocketdog will serve as my Lead Gameside Advocate. Rocketdog will be preparing the rest of his team over the next couple of days, I look forward to announcing them at that time.
Otherwise, in alphabetical order I present the new Executive Council of The North Pacific:
Minister of Cards - DGES
I am delighted to announce that DGES will be continuing in his position as Minister of Cards. During his time in The North Pacific, DGES has been absolutely steadfast in his commitment to the development of TNP Cards Programs. I am certain that DGES and I will work very well together in my plans for Cards during this term. Congratulations to @DGES.
Minister of Communications - BMWSurfer
I am very pleased that BMWSurfer has agreed to return as Minister of Communications. BMW has accomplished a rare feat of publishing multiple editions of TNS and TNL during one term and I am proud of his efforts. Moving forward, I will work closely with BMW on my proposed biennial publication as well as our efforts to more greatly promote the activity of the Ministry to the wider nationstates world. Congratulations @BMWSurfer!
Minister of Culture - Madjack
To assist me in my work to return the Ministry of Culture to its glory days of activity, events, and community building, I am excited to announce that Madjack will be serving as the Minister of Culture. Madjack requires no introduction and is a well known culture advocate and community builder. The tasks ahead for the Ministry of Culture are significant and I have full faith in Madjack’s ability to meet this challenge. Congratulations @Madjack.
Minister of Defence - Nimarya
Nimarya will be returning to the Executive Council again this term, but as the Minister of Defence. Nimarya has been a highly decorated and active member of the North Pacific Army since joining our region. Nimarya’s high level of activity, military prowess, and leadership abilities will ensure that our regional army is able to attain new heights of success moving forward. Please join me in congratulating our new Minister of Defence, @Nimarya.
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Praetor
I am honoured to announce that Praetor will be serving as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs. In my platform I have committed to restoring the assertive, pragmatic and dignified foreign policy that had previously characterised the North Pacific’s leadership on the world stage, I could think of nobody better than Praetor to assist me in this goal. Congratulations to @Praetor!
Minister of Home Affairs - Owen
Owen will be returning to cabinet this time as the Minister for Home Affairs. Owen will bring to this role a high level of administrative skills developed through his time as Speaker of the Regional Assembly and as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Owen and I have a great working relationship and I am delighted to be working with him again in this new capacity. Congratulations @Owenstacey.
Minister of Radio - Cascadian Bioregion
For the Ministry of Radio, I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Cascadian Bioregion as the Minister of Radio. Cascadian Bioregion is a relatively new member of The North Pacific who has demonstrated his interest and ability in the Ministry of Radio. I believe that Cascadian Bioregion will be the right injection of fresh blood into the Ministry of Radio to expand its activities and deliver greater outcomes for our residents. Congratulations @Cascadian Bioregion!
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - Westinor
I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Westinor AKA @Dragonstar5674 as the new Minister of World Assembly Affairs. Westinor has been a highly active and committed Deputy Minister and staffer in the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs and has more than proven that he has the expertise, activity and dedication required to take on this challenging role. Congratulations to Westinor
Thank you all for agreeing to serve alongside me. Please remember to take your oaths! We have so much work to do, lets get started!
Delegate of The North Pacific