Distribution - Endorsement Tool

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Koala Fanatic
TNP Nation
Good evening ambassadors!

Be sure to check your assigned region on the Executive Staff Mastersheet. Additionally, make sure to check your FA Committee groupings: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7204863/6#post-10357280

Reminder: It is not enough to only post the links onto a region’s Discord. Please be sure to post them onto the forums of your embassy posting(s) as well.

Hello embassy friends! Recently, TNP released two tools to help nations everywhere endorse all the people they need to. Instead of manually checking every WA nation in your region, you can receive an auto-generated list of nations you haven’t yet endorsed. And that’s not all! Say you want a more specific list of WA nations. The Endotarting Query tool can easily narrow your list down to just the nations you need! We’re hoping that this tool can promote endorsements for all nations who want it.

You might be asking. Where can I find this tool? Check out this dispatch linked here: https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1483127

It has all the information you need to go on an endorsing spree! Happy endorsing!

Your friends in The North Pacific
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