Nationale informazione di Caselanique | Caselanian Worldbuilding Thread


Striving to be Better
TNP Nation
Illusia and Neverendia


Flag of Caselania


Coat of arms of Caselania

Republic of Caselania
Rèspublique di Caselania

Salut et Bienvenuita, voyageur!

(Mercanti: Hello and welcome, traveler!)
Hello and welcome to the official thread of Caselanian worldbuilding stuffs! This thread will contain everything Caselanian related, may it be the basic Caselanian phrases, into the complex history of the country, and other tidbits.

Note that as much as I like comments or suggestions, please message me in Discord for those and we can work around with those stuff. Do not post in this thread.

Let's start the ball rolling shall we?

Visión general di Caselanique

Caselania is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic primarily located in central Collandris, divided only by the Lac di Collandrique. The western portion is known as the Caselanique principale, or main(land) Caselania. The eastern portion is known as Montainedrie, or Montedria in Mercanti. Montedria is divided into two: the Caselanian-controlled portion, and the independent state of Montedria. The independent state seceded from Caselanian control in the Montedrian War of Independence during the 1970s and 1980s. Caselania is also bordered by the Kingdom of Cerdagne to the north, Xentherida to the south, and Syrixia to the east.

The capital city of Caselania is Grande Hauvre, located in the Caselanique principale sector. It is a large port city, and the main entry point into Caselania. It is densely populated, at over eight million residents. The Port of Caselania is one of the busiest ports in Collandris.

The economy of Caselania is concentrated primarily on manufacturing, and in the case of Montainedrie, tourism and a bustling gambling industry. The manufacturing industry relies heavily on Syrixia through a symbiotic system: Syrixia pays for their products to be manufactured within Caselanian soil, while the latter relies on their money and produces their said needs or wants. Caselania primarily capitalises on its rich thorium deposits as part of its industrial might.

In governance and politics, Caselania has been a unitary parliamentary republic since 1952, after the Caselanian Revolution, which saw the end of the absolutist and royal Litasanno dynasty (Maisonnes di Litta-Sainnes) and the emerging of a new Caselanian nation. The incumbent president is Jean-Allen Machiavelle, while the current Prime Minister is Raimondo Sainte-Marie. Legislation of the country falls under the command of the Caselanian Parliament, which is bicameral, between the Assemblea (Assembly), as the lower house, and the Sénat (Senate).​

Château di Assemblea
Palace of the Assembly
Formerly the Palais di Regiaume (1850 - 1952)

The Château di Assemblea is the seat of the Caselanian Assembly, the lower house of the Caselanian Parliament, located in the capital city, Grande Hauvre. It is a large Neoclassical palace constructed in the late 19th century as the Palais di Regiaume (Royal Palace); and was the new residence and seat of power of the now-ousted House of Litasanno (Maisonnes di Litta-Sainnes). Designed by Caselanian architect Marc-Antoine di Gotisse, the construction of the palace began in 1846, with groundbreaking starting on November of that year. The ruthless regime ordered its fast-tracking post-haste, targeting that the palace must be completed within four years or even less, forcing the contractors to take action.

In the process of its construction, it claimed 245 workers, and had a high mortality rate. Working hours were 24/7 non-stop, and those who were caught napping or doing anything else but work were subjected to ruthless whipping by Royal Caselanian Army soldiers that were sent by the royals to oversee its construction. Due to its fast-tracked construction, the process met its desired quota and was finished by New Year's Day of 1850, and opened its doors to the royal family on April of that year after three months of inspections and transfer of furniture and polishing of inner fittings.

For several years, it became the symbol of Caselanian elite prestige, and also a pejorative image to the Caselanian peasantry. Minor changes to the palace were conducted prior the Fascist Wars, with the construction of an air-raid shelter underground. Throughout the war, entrances in and out the palace and within its surrounding vicinity were heavily fortified. When the war ended and was a devastating loss for the country, the long-time struggle for the end of the monarchy, war-worn populace, and disgruntled Royal Caselanian Army officials opened the Caselanian Revolution starting in late 1951.


The session hall of the Château di Assemblea, which was the former throne room, prior to its first session in September 1952.


The session hall as it looks today, during a renovation of the building.
When the House of Litasanno was overthrown the following year, the Caselanian Revolution subsequently ended, and began the transit of the country into a democratic republic. The Caselanian Parliament was created to fulfill the legislative branch of the new government, and the former royal palace was chosen to be its seat of power. It was then known to be the Château di Parlamente (Palace of the Parliament), with the Assemblea (lower house) occupying the left wing, and the Sénat (upper house) on its right wing, and the former throne room to be an open museum to the public, dedicated to the Revolution.

The initial plan was then scrapped when the Sénat took the older Palais di Grande Hauvre as their seat of power, becoming the Château di Sénat. The Assemblea then fully occupied the former royal palace, and the former throne room became its new session hall. The Caselanian Parliament and its bicameral legislature all then began their first sessions in September 1952, beginning the new era of Caselania as a republic.

Barricades in Grande Verde, July 1952

Caselanian Revolution
Révolutione di 1951 • Révolutione caselanique • 1951-52 Caselanian coup d'état

First off, I'd like to apologise for not posting. I've been busy (sorry!). Second, this may be short, but I'll make up for the next few days.

The Caselanian Revolution was a major popular uprising in Caselania that occurred in late 1951, shortly after the end of the Fascist Wars. It lasted until August 1952. Driven by hostilities after the country was defeated, along with several other factors, such as the tyranny of the Litasanno dynasty, and that the Caselanians were already war-worn by 1945. Originally starting as a small coup d'état, it evolved into a series of peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and violent battles across the nation that eventually caused the fall of the Litasanno dynasty.

The loss of the Kingdom of Caselania in the Fascist Wars was a powerful blow to the prestige of the Caselanian monarchy. Francesca III was personally devastated, and took precautionary measures to protect herself. Barricading the Palais di Regiaume with her Royal Caselanian Army guards, she refused to step down, amidst Caselanian fury. Leaderless unrest and civil disobedience started on November 1951, The coup d'état began on December of the same year, sparking the very first violent actions of the Revolution.

In the cities like Grande Hauvre, protests were peaceful, but some portions of the city were barricaded by residents. Across Caselania, however, some turned violent, as government-loyal forces and the coup forces clashed over for control. By January to March 1952, order completely broke across the state, and many were terrified as Caselania was nearly falling short of a civil war.

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Barricades in Grande Verde, July 1952

Caselanian Revolution
Révolutione di 1951 • Révolutione caselanique • 1951-52 Caselanian coup d'état

First off, I'd like to apologise for not posting. I've been busy (sorry!). Second, this may be short, but I'll make up for the next few days.

The Caselanian Revolution was a major popular uprising in Caselania that occurred in late 1951, shortly after the end of the Fascist Wars. It lasted until August 1952. Driven by hostilities after the country was defeated, along with several other factors, such as the tyranny of the Litasanno dynasty, and that the Caselanians were already war-worn by 1945. Originally starting as a small coup d'état, it evolved into a series of peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and violent battles across the nation that eventually caused the fall of the Litasanno dynasty.

The loss of the Kingdom of Caselania in the Fascist Wars was a powerful blow to the prestige of the Caselanian monarchy. Francesca III was personally devastated, and took precautionary measures to protect herself. Barricading the Palais di Regiaume with her Royal Caselanian Army guards, she refused to step down, amidst Caselanian fury. Leaderless unrest and civil disobedience started on November 1951, The coup d'état began on December of the same year, sparking the very first violent actions of the Revolution.

In the cities like Grande Hauvre, protests were peaceful, but some portions of the city were barricaded by residents. Across Caselania, however, some turned violent, as government-loyal forces and the coup forces clashed over for control. By January to March 1952, order completely broke across the state, and many were terrified as Caselania was nearly falling short of a civil war.

The Kingdom of Caselania had been sided with the Dominion against the Allies in the entire duration of the Fascist Wars. Through there, it had facilitated in helping out its allies, and primarily, its enemy was the Allied-aligned Empire of Syrixia, with the Montedrian campaign being the primary source of Caselanian military operations. However, by 1951, the war effort had became far too great for a typical Caselanian citizen to handle, and the deteriorating conditions of the Dominion and its eventual defeat had inflicted far too much stress and war-weariness.

By the end of the war, Francesca III desperately did whatever it could to secure Caselanian territories, which worsened her already waning public opinion. Being renowned and damned for her selfishness, the queen personally blockaded the Palais di Regiaume with the Royal Caselanian Army guards, and a kilometre radius around the palace was completely closed down. Unrest rapidly grew when Caselania had to pay reparations, and by November 1951, the country cascaded down into the road to the revolution. The following month, General Philippe di Calasse staged the Caselanian coup d'etat in the city of Ille Gabrielles, the origins of the House of Litasanno. General di Calasse would engage in a series of campaigns against the Royalists on his way to march to the capital and oust the Queen completely.

By January 1952, in Grande Hauvre alone, order had broke, and even the law enforcement of the city had submitted into open rebellion. Francesca III was unable to regulate orders to her guards, out of paranoia that she could be assassinated, forcing total anarchy across the capital. The civilian end of the spectrum - was led by none other than Jacques-Émile di Milanique, who would then become Caselania's first president. General di Calasse's campaigns were now holding several successes, coinciding with the situations in the capital, with the Caselanian revolutionaries increasing, and his forces pushing further into the capital.

The coup finally reached the capital by August 1952. Revolutionary forces engaged in the Battle of Grande Hauvre, where Royalist assets were destroyed across the capital. The public were keen to welcome the revolutionaries, and General di Calasse's entry into the capital was met with a thunderous praise. Afterwards, the Revolutionaries, with the assistance of the population of Grande Hauvre, staged the penultimate battle for the capital. Fanatic Royalist guards bought time for the Litasanno dynasty, along with Francesca III, to escape unharmed - and they did escape, shortly before the Storming of the Palais di Regiaume.

The Revolution culminated on the raising of the revolutionary flag over the palace by Jacques-Émile di Milanique. A military interim government was established under the leadership of General di Calasse to begin the transitioning of Caselania into a republic, under the leadership of di Milanique, who had been a symbol of the country's two ends of the revolution - him being the peaceful revolutionary, and di Calasse being the opposite. However, both shared and reaped the fruits of their labour, as di Milanique appointed him as the Minister of Defense.​
Excerpts from some of my IIWiki pages.

The Casellans inhabited most of western Caselania during antiquity, being the southernmost tribes of Cerdagne. Resisting to be part of their nation-state, the Casellans founded their own through the foundation of the Duchy of Pilanura in 1011, expanding rapidly to take control of other Casellan towns and engaging a war with the Cerdagnians to fully achieve control of their territory. Trade with the Gotic people from nearby Gothis fueled the economy of Pilanura, and after annexing all Casellan villages and small city-states, Pilanura became the Kingdom of Caselania in 1175 under Anthony I, on his Unity Proclamation.

Throughout the Middle Ages, Caselania's own culture and language flourished. The House of Litasanno took over during the 17th century, becoming the primary dynasty until the demise of the monarchy in 1952. During this era, Caselania invaded and annexed the region of Montedria across the Lac di Collandrique, controlling the entirety of central Collandris. The dynasty's reputation for being ruthless and extensively autocratic also became increasily frequent for the entirety of Caselania's existence.