11/29/2020: The Raid on Nationstates.


Deputy Minister
TNP Nation

The Ministry of Defense
29 November 2020

On the 11/29/2020 the NPA made history with the raid of Nationstates. Toppling a 16+ year delagecy of Mikeswill.

Several organizations took part. The following NPA members jumped.

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You have broken the finger of a money's paw. We can only assume the repercussion of this action. I can only assume that the NS server will catch fire without registering Mike as delegate for a brief period.

And if we are making it a habit to attack our embassy regions who are you attacking next? XKI? Balder? TEP? Gay? Dienstad?
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There's a big difference between knocking off a long term delegate in a region we barely have any ties to and regions we have actual treaties with like TEP, Balder and Dienstad. Not that we could or would attack them anyway.

Some of y'all are very tilted, but this is just the universe coming back into karmic alignment. Invaders knocked over long time delegates years back just for their records, I don't see a reason for an assortment of defenders and independents to not do the same to a region that only avoided that same fate because Mike used to raid.
As mentioned above now by 2 people commenting on my choose of the word ally.
I do agree that they are more closer aligned with military friends then allies and I will change the report to reflect that better.
I see a lot has been said in this thread so I intend to come and clear some things up.

TGW is neither an ally nor a friend of ours. They were simply another org that was a participant in the raid that we had no control over regarding invites. This has been cleared up with my MoD.

It cannot be stressed enough that this was a unique event that cannot be accurately compared to any other interaction we would have with any of our other embassy regions. Under no circumstances do I intend to approve of any action against any other embassy or allied region. This specific event was coordinated as a fun and different R/D event where the NPA would be able to gain unique experience while also interacting with the Defender-sphere of NS, toppling a delegate the same way the Raider-sphere did time and time again before. It must be noted that Mikeswill knew this was coming in advance, did not care, and after this occurring harbors no ill-will towards those who participated. If there were preemptive signs showing otherwise, I would have killed the Op.

Regarding our current embassy, I have no intentions to remove the embassy as a result of this event unless NS would like to withdraw relations.

Going forward to address the confusion in @9003 's remarks today, effective immediately all future NPA reports and responses will go through myself to ensure there is no opportunity for miscommunication.
Is this going to spoil relations with NS? I am ambassador to NS and so far, the delegate has been eh and the publication response has been negligent. But I am asking since I would not like to engage in a faux pas with the region or mike.
Is this going to spoil relations with NS? I am ambassador to NS and so far, the delegate has been eh and the publication response has been negligent. But I am asking since I would not like to engage in a faux pas with the region or mike.
Looks like it has -
NationStates Regional Happenings:
The embassy with NationStates is being withdrawn. Closure expected in 18 hours.
I'm not really involved in GP much these days (EDIT: as evidenced by how late this post was, but in my defense, today saw two posts in this topic before mine :P) so consider this no more than my 2 cents but this ain't it, chief. Lore made a very good point, which I agree with. This sets a bad precedent for us and, especially with NS withdrawing their embassy, makes for a bad look and gives other embassy regions reason to trust us less.

Considering Tlomz mentioned the uniqueness of the experience I can see why the NPA chose to raid NS. But I don't think Mikeswill knowing this was coming and not caring really cuts it. Consent is not merely knowing about something and shrugging at it, it's a clear approval. It's pretty clear from the withdrawal that he indeed does harbor ill-will at us because of this, and both of these things don't really indicate clear approval. Seems to me more like he just knew there was nothing that could be done to stop the raid given the intentions behind it - IE: the aforementioned unique experience.

So I'm concerned on two fronts: one regarding our PR image to other regions, and another regarding our PR image inside our own region, because from Tlomz's response, I'm concerned that the government is trying to downplay this.
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The government should downplay this, because it's not really a big deal. The NPA supported friends and potential military partners in an operation to knock off a long term delegate streak. As a result, the raided region has withdrawn the embassy it had with us. That's unfortunate but we got zero tangible benefit from that embassy.

As for other embassies regions trusting us less, who out of our embassies has reason not to trust us now and is also founderless? Stargate? Ah yes I'm sure we're going to raid a region we're treatied allies with and have defended for years.
I won't bother rehashing what MJ said, but I echo his stance. In addition, I'd like to point out to the peanut gallery that Mikeswill gave his blessing for this operation to take place (well, as much as can be reasonably expected of a raid). A few examples of such are: one, two, and three. (For reference, Frenchy is the main organizer of this raid.) I would additionally like to point out that I don't see how this harms our PR worldwide - this was a very specific set of circumstances. The rest of the world isn't somehow blind to that. Not understanding the nuance behind this op is fine on an individual level, but understand that org leaders and WA Delegates largely express the same.
Raiding an embassy region wasn’t a smart thing to do. If we didn’t gain anything we could at least have done them the decency of closing the embassy first. It’s not like they ever posted anything.