[SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

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Chief Justice

Condemn Northern Borland
Category: Condemnation | Target: Northern Borland
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic


RECOGNISING that many national leaders have been successfully manipulated into believing that Northern Borland consistently acts in the interests of other nations, having served for many years until July 2017 as the Advocate and Arbiter General of Capitalist Paradise, which entails defending suspects in regional trials and helping resolve internal disputes before they escalate to the court system;

FEARFUL, however, that this community service has only helped Northern Borland to disguise its true legacy as a nation which is so utterly dominated by its fully-deregulated market that it has long described itself as "A Good Place to Raise Your Business" in its tourism campaigns - although such advertisement is hardly proving beneficial for a country which outlaws all immigration and is now ranked by the World Census as the third-most avoided in the multiverse (out of more than 225,000 nations);

CONCERNED that, although Northern Borland appears on the surface to be an economic miracle - boasting of the world's lowest income tax, highest average disposable income (and eighth-highest average income before "tax"), most efficient economy, and fifth-highest gross domestic product - many of these gains are pocketed by the highest-earning decile, the 24th-richest upper class of any country, which currently earns almost seventy times as much as the nation's lowest-income decile;

AWARE that this Northern Borlandian upper class has become so profitable as to distort World Census rankings on industry, with support from a government that spends the entire national budget on subsidising it: the nation currently ranks in the top sixty worldwide for all sixteen major industries other than book publishing (250th), information technology (691st), arms manufacturing (1,077th) and trout fishing (4,151st), with the manufacturing industry as a whole the 81st-largest in the world;

HORRIFIED at the realisation that any semblance of a judicial branch has been abolished, which - when combined with the fifth-rudest and sixth-most armed populace in the world, undoubtedly a byproduct of mandatory military service for citizens - has led to Northern Borland recording the second-highest death rate, 11th-highest crime rate and 132nd-highest youth crime rate of all nations;

DISMAYED at how Northern Borlandian citizens are so busy working (Northern Borland has the multiverse's second-highest employment rate, a figure which takes account of widespread child labour), spending (in the third-largest retail sector of any country) and eating (the prevalence of the world's largest soft-drinks sector and second-largest pizza delivery market translates into more than 199 in every 200 citizens being obese, itself the highest obesity rate worldwide) that they inadvertently prop up their President and CEO by simply not caring, thus being the third most politically-apathetic people in the world; and

CONVINCED that member states seeking to embrace capitalism ought to steer clear of the Northern Borlandian model thereof, which has brought to its citizenry little other than death, boredom, and mass-scale impulse buying:

HEREBY CONDEMNS Northern Borland.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]18[/TD][TD]15[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

"Condemn Northern Borland" was defeated 10,421 votes to 3,217 (23.6% support).
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IFV - No Recommendation

The Security Council proposal, "Condemn Northern Borland", seeks to condemn Northern Borland on the basis of their nation's in-game statistics. The proposal lists a number of worrisome statistics, and attempts to build a narrative of a nation lacking even the most basic regulations and where the ultra-rich routinely abuse the destitute. Commendations and condemnations of nation stats are somewhat of a unique case compared to other SC proposals. Although Kindjal was commended based on their statistics, Northern Borland’s statistics don’t quite reach that same level. Additionally, the proposal’s writing quality is more a rote list of stats than a truly cohesive argument, and some feel that in general, maintaining statistics does not require the effort necessary for a commendation/condemnation. However, others disagree - saying that Northern Borland has consistently answered issues towards a singular goal for 17 years.

The Ministry of WA Affairs will not issue a recommendation on this proposal, and we encourage our residents to keep the above points in mind when choosing a stance for themselves.

IFV Dispatch (please upvote!): https://www.nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1449686
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For. I know that many are not fans of stat-based C&Cs, but I feel those can be appropriate, and this is one of those cases.
For - Northern Borland is probably the best example of a template capitalist nation. While Kindjal may have more #1s, they are not someone that people with capitalist stats look to.
For - Personally, I'm glad to see another stats C&C, and appreciate the Condemn twist on it. Aside from that, the proposal seems sufficiently well-written to be supported.
Against. Sadly, I don't think I can support this. The proposal reads like a rote list of stats without rhyme or reason, and there's no coherent case or narrative for why the nominee is deserving.
AWARE that this Northern Borlandian upper class has become so profitable as to distort World Census rankings on industry, with support from a government that spends the entire national budget on subsidising it: the nation currently ranks in the top sixty worldwide for all sixteen major industries other than book publishing (250th), information technology (691st), arms manufacturing (1,077th) and trout fishing (4,151st), with the manufacturing industry as a whole the 81st-largest in the world;
Kindjal has nearly a dozen #1 stats. Northern Borland doesn't come close. I was initially supportive of this due to there being several Borland nations with similarly high stats in different areas. However, Tinhampton removed this from the proposal due to these nations allegedly being owned by different people. Overall, I just think the writing is too iffy and the target isn't quite deserving.
non-WA abstain. I don't think stats c/cs are worth it but I guess since this is the #2 (looking at you, Noah) stats player of all time it's appropriate
Against. Answering issues consistently is all that is required to achieve high stats in particular areas and it does not require sufficient skill or dedication in my opinion to warrant recognition.
Answering issues consistently for almost seventeen years, may I add? Some NSers weren't even born when Northern Borland was created and started answering issues at the beginning of 2004! Given that some people with otherwise impressive stats built over several years have seen them effectively wiped out after one misclick (Vilita's residency stat, Ransium's welfare stat...), I would argue that paying attention to one's issues for so long is worthy of international recognition - and that is indeed why I wrote this proposal. You might be interested in a similar argument that played out on the NS forumside thread for Commend Kindjal.

(Note: I am neither resident in TNP nor enlisted in its army. None of my posts here should be interpreted as a vote in either direction, including what you see above.)
Against. Northern Borland has clearly organised its government along the most economically efficient lines, I cannot see any basis on which to say that is condemnable. If anything, it should be commended for its steadfast commitment to the economic freedom of its corporate citizens.
Against. Northern Borland has clearly organised its government along the most economically efficient lines, I cannot see any basis on which to say that is condemnable. If anything, it should be commended for its steadfast commitment to the economic freedom of its corporate citizens.
I mean... I support capitalism in the real world and I acknowledge that high levels of economic development would normally be Commendable, but not in this case when we have huge levels of obesity, crime, wealth inequality, almost nothing in the way of a social security net, and so on :P
How do I put it? While I see the purpose of this proposal, I doubt the method of writing the proposal makes this anyway passable. In no way am I convinced this is a condemnable thing. If this was accompanied by RPing on the forums, I would be agreeable, else nope. Against.
How do I put it? While I see the purpose of this proposal, I doubt the method of writing the proposal makes this anyway passable. In no way am I convinced this is a condemnable thing. If this was accompanied by RPing on the forums, I would be agreeable, else nope. Against.
You might be interested to hear that Kindjal did not make a single post on the forums until midway through the debate on their Commendation (see above link by myself), which was eventually to become SC#298. The rankings associated with NB's stats themselves, and their significance in terms of the wider multiverse, should be evident to anybody who reads the proposal text - even a Forum 7 diehard with something along the lines of "We do not use NS Stats" in their signature.
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Answering issues consistently for almost seventeen years, may I add? Some NSers weren't even born when Northern Borland was created and started answering issues at the beginning of 2004! Given that some people with otherwise impressive stats built over several years have seen them effectively wiped out after one misclick (Vilita's residency stat, Ransium's welfare stat...), I would argue that paying attention to one's issues for so long is worthy of international recognition - and that is indeed why I wrote this proposal. You might be interested in a similar argument that played out on the NS forumside thread for Commend Kindjal.

(Note: I am neither resident in TNP nor enlisted in its army. None of my posts here should be interpreted as a vote in either direction, including what you see above.)
Doing something for a longtime that's repetitive is not recognizable by my standards. Additionally, the residency stat is not at all comparable to stats that are determined by issues.
Like card farming?
Yes. Not that it's relevant to this resolution.

I'm glad you have the time to engage with others arguments too bad you don't seem to have the ability to defend your own arguments though. ;)
Yes. Not that it's relevant to this resolution.
It’s very relevant. Recognizing people for having a high deck value is commending them for doing a repetitive activity for a long time.
And where has that happened?
Condemn Koem Kab is the glaring example. So is commend 9003 and condemn Noah's Second Country. They were all major players in a perfectly valid part of NS, and Northern Borland is a major player in issues/stats playing.
Condemn Koem Kab is the glaring example. So is commend 9003 and condemn Noah's Second Country. They were all major players in a perfectly valid part of NS, and Northern Borland is a major player in issues/stats playing.
While you originally referred to commendations and are now including condemnations, ultimately it does not matter, I'd suggest reading all of those resolutions again as you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of why those resolutions were written.
Answering issues consistently for almost seventeen years, may I add? Some NSers weren't even born when Northern Borland was created and started answering issues at the beginning of 2004! Given that some people with otherwise impressive stats built over several years have seen them effectively wiped out after one misclick (Vilita's residency stat, Ransium's welfare stat...), I would argue that paying attention to one's issues for so long is worthy of international recognition - and that is indeed why I wrote this proposal. You might be interested in a similar argument that played out on the NS forumside thread for Commend Kindjal.

(Note: I am neither resident in TNP nor enlisted in its army. None of my posts here should be interpreted as a vote in either direction, including what you see above.)
You make me feel very old. I vote Present. I think if someone has a lot of good #1 stats, it's a good idea.
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