Hello everyone! It’s time for another monthly report, and Home Affairs has been busy! As of writing this report, Home Affairs has delivered 6,014 manual telegrams in the past month, and mentors have contacted a total of 39 new members on the forum.
Those are impressive numbers, and our overall completion rate as a Ministry has seen a significant improvement since last month. In fact, we’ve completed 85.58% of all generated rows, which means that for the first time we have just barely passed the landmark needed for HA staff to receive Legendary cards! All staff members who have completed 50 or more rows this month can expect to receive a new Legendary card soon. Thank you all, you’ve been incredible!
In addition to the HA’s usual work, I’ve begun discourse with the Ministries of World Assembly Affairs, Communications, and Cards to discuss drafting and revision of telegrams promoting their Ministries. With @BMWSurfer's approval and help, I’ve published a brand new recruitment telegram for Communications, which we will likely be sending out soon! I expect it to be the first of several more telegram templates that will be published this term, as I intend to ensure that every Ministry will have a suitable telegram before the term is over.
Going forward into October, my two largest projects will be to revise the Pen Pals program and make it a reality, and to begin the long process of updating and revising all of HA’s pre-existing telegrams, along with several other posts, dispatches, and telegrams currently in use. I’m also going to be seeking further ways Home Affairs can assist with bringing fun and engagement to the region, whether in planning another Executive Staff Game Night or in helping to promote other events for different Ministries or areas of government.
Finally, I have an important announcement to make. I am appointing @Vivanco as a new Deputy Minister for our Ministry of Home Affairs for the rest of this term. I believe they will make an excellent addition to our team and I look forward to working with them. Go take your oath, Vivanco!
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