- TNP Nation
- Veniyerris
- Discord
- BMWSurfer#1965
Index of Issues
We are aware that not everyone is equally appreciative of image-based NS newspapers. As such, we've included the standard format mostly plain-text version of the newspaper in the spoiler below. We hope you enjoy reading this month's issue! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to contact the current TNP Minister of Communications Veniyerris.
Dedicated entirely to defining, exploring, and evaluating Information For Voters releases (IFVs), this piece takes an in-depth look at an increasingly critical component of many regions' WA programs. This essay also takes a look at the dual nature of IFVs: they serve to both amplify regional voting power and provide players less involved in WA matters with a means of gaining greater insight into a specific proposal.
Kenmoria - The Role of IFVs in the General Assembly
This relatively shorter essay defines and examines liberations in the modern sense- specifically, offensive liberations and their defensive (or "standard") counterparts. Liberations are a potent tool, which can be wielded to protect native populations- or to harm them.
Lord Dominator - Offensive and Defensive Liberations
This piece explores the logic that often shapes big Delegate voting in the General Assembly, and examines several differing schools of thought when it comes to determining how regional Delegate votes are cast. A secondary purpose of this essay is to examine the factors that often determine a region's voting stance on a particular proposal, and the role of IFVs in shaping how votes are cast.
Maowi - Regional Delegates and General Assembly Canon
Interpreting committee provisions within General Assembly resolutions is inherently a point of some controversy due largely to the significant differences in how national governments and WA committees create and enforce regulations, and the increasing reliance of proposals on committees. This piece argues in favor of applying the reasonable nation test (nations would not interpret provisions in a self-detrimental way) to committee provisions.
Imperium Anglorum - Interpreting committee provisions
Kenmoria - The Role of IFVs in the General Assembly
This relatively shorter essay defines and examines liberations in the modern sense- specifically, offensive liberations and their defensive (or "standard") counterparts. Liberations are a potent tool, which can be wielded to protect native populations- or to harm them.
Lord Dominator - Offensive and Defensive Liberations
This piece explores the logic that often shapes big Delegate voting in the General Assembly, and examines several differing schools of thought when it comes to determining how regional Delegate votes are cast. A secondary purpose of this essay is to examine the factors that often determine a region's voting stance on a particular proposal, and the role of IFVs in shaping how votes are cast.
Maowi - Regional Delegates and General Assembly Canon
Interpreting committee provisions within General Assembly resolutions is inherently a point of some controversy due largely to the significant differences in how national governments and WA committees create and enforce regulations, and the increasing reliance of proposals on committees. This piece argues in favor of applying the reasonable nation test (nations would not interpret provisions in a self-detrimental way) to committee provisions.
Imperium Anglorum - Interpreting committee provisions